Personal Financial Literacy ~ 11.01.23

The following students need to report to Career Center for Personal Financial Literacy makeup session.

Wednesday, November 1
8:10 am:
  • Keyli Bowling (Computers) – Units 8-10
  • Landon Cook (Electrical) – Units 8-10
  • Harper Houston (Digital) – Units 8-9
  • Libby  Thompson (Digital) – Unit 10 – Will call instructor when we get to Unit 10
9:30 am:
  • Norman Colby (Auto) – Units 8-10
12:40 pm:
  • Kylie Adair (Digital) – Units 8-10
  • Hadlee Ohm (Digital) -Units 8-10
  • Kambri Rhodes (Digital) – Units 8-10

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