Electrical ~ 3.28.25


Do not log in to any Apple iCloud, Mac Mail or other personalization accounts except Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, etc.) and Gmail. Everyone uses the same Mac user account so please do not customize the user account to your settings which means do NOT add you Google profile setting.  Login to gmail and then go to Apps  icon then select Google Drive or a profile could automatically be created for you and the bookmarks may not be available to the next person.

Pathful Login Instructions

Staff and students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at https://app.pathful.com/login/2056. Usernames (except for a few students) will be your firstnamelastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.

What is Pathful?

Pathful offers engaging career exploration resources and tools all on one user-friendly website. Interest assessments provide the user with more insight into themselves and help to guide the career exploration process. Once logged in on Pathful, users can access Assignments in the bottom left area of the home page as well as Assessments, Goals, and Postsecondary Plans links.


Follow Mrs. Frascht’s instructions to complete the following Assignments.

Goal Setting

  1. Set one short term and one long term goal. At least one of those needs to be school or work related.  Use SMART goals!
  2. Complete the rest of the Goal Setting Assignment and submit it.

Careers and YOUR Interests

  1. Create a PDF of your results.  Save the PDF on the desktop in your folder.
  2. Upload to the Shared Google Drive folder I made for you.
  3. Print a copy of your Career Interest results and put in your notebook.
  4. Complete the rest of the assignment and submit the assignment
  5. Select up to 3 careers as your favorites. – Ask how to do this.
  6. Select one career and complete the Career Journal for that Career. – Ask how to do this.

Building Your Cover Letter 

  1. You will be pretending to apply for the position advertised at https://nwtech.edu/alvacc/moyer-electric-employment-opportunity-9-01-23/.
  2. Create a copy of your resume and then delete all but the header.
  3. Use the new document with your header to create a cover letter for the job you have chosen.
  4. Create a cover letter.  Use the examples of formatting posted on https://nwtech.edu/alvacc/cover-letters/ if needed.
  5. Create an envelope that could be used to send your cover letter.
  6. Complete the rest of the Cover letter assignment and submit it.


Sample Job Application

Many companies require the applicant to complete a job application in order to be considered as a candidate for that job.  Applications may need to be completed online or downloaded then completed using software such as MS Word or Adobe Acrobat.  Some applications can be sent electronically while other companies prefer a printed copy.  The Best Way to Write a Resume by Job Genius video provides tips for completing a job application.  Download the Moyer Services – EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION for Moyer Electric and SAVE it to your computer prior to answering any questions. Please ask me for help with using Adobe Acrobat to insert your information into the application. After completing the application print a copy and put in your folder then upload it to your folder on the Shared Google Drive.


Job Interviews

What kind of first impression you make and how you perform during a job interview will determine if you get the job or not.  You don’t get a second chance for a first impression.

View the Job Genius Video at https://youtu.be/rf1EmgHPVsU?si=_wuajhxstdhwDRhf for tips prior to and during the interview.

I have placed a Google Doc in the Alvacc2024 folder I shared with you.  Answer the mock interview questions in the Google Doc then print and place in your notebook.

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