Biomed ~ 4.07.22

***** Anthony, Gage, Kaden S., Austin, and Hunter – Do NOT log in to Google Profile … log in to and then use the Apps Button to go to Google Drive.. *****

Just a reminder…..Google Profile vs Google Drive

Just a reminder…. do NOT log in with Google Profile…. go to or to log in please.  If you log in to Google Profile there is a big chance it will mess up all bookmarks I have made available for students.


I will periodically post scholarship information given to me.  You may view the scholarship information on the Career Center website ( by selecting Announcements on the menu then in the Categories box at the right of the page selecting the Scholarships box.  It may take a few seconds to load. You will have to click on the heading for each individual post to view all the information regarding a scholarship posted. You may also visit

The scholarship application process in some instances requires a cover letter to be sent with the application.  If you need help with writing a cover letter, please visit with me.


Students will complete the Ethics in the Workplace Scenarios 2021 assignment in Virtual Job Shadow.

9:15 – 10:00 am – Anthony, Ryleigh, and Alaina are reporting to Dr. Heaton.  Chloe, Kaden, and Austin are DCA.
10:00 – 10:45 am – Kellen, Danial, Jaxon, Gage, Hunter, Kyler, Phillip and Kaden need to attend.  Drew and Jordan are DCA.
1:45 – 2:30 pm – Seth, Kelli and Shane need to attend.
2:30 – 2:55 pm – Baylee and Lexi will report to Dr. Heaton. Ethics in the Workplace – Scenarios 2021 Assignment

Login Instructions

Students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at Students will use the same username and password as used for WorkKeys assessments. Usernames (except for a few students) will be your FirstnameLastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.  Usernames and passwords should be recorded in the Passwords Google Sheet I have provided in the Google Drive folder I have Shared with you for the Career Center.

Complete the Ethics in the Workplace – Scenarios 2021 Assignment in


After completing today’s assignment, be sure to visit the announcement for last week – – to see if you have any previously assigned lessons that you have not yet completed.

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