Do not log in to any Apple iCloud, Mac Mail or other personalization accounts except Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, etc.) and Gmail. Everyone uses the same Mac user account so please do not customize the user account to your settings which means do NOT add you Google profile setting. Login to gmail and then go to Apps icon then select Google Drive or a profile could automatically be created for you and the bookmarks may not be available to the next person.
Pathful Login Instructions
Staff and students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at Usernames (except for a few students) will be your firstnamelastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.
What is Pathful?
Pathful offers engaging career exploration resources and tools all on one user-friendly website. Interest assessments provide the user with more insight into themselves and help to guide the career exploration process. Once logged in on Pathful, users can access Assignments in the bottom left area of the home page as well as Assessments, Goals, and Postsecondary Plans links.
Follow Mrs. Frascht’s instructions to complete the following Assignments.
Building Your Cover Letter
- Complete the Cover letter assignment and submit it.
- Select one job opening or possible job position you can pretend to apply for upon completion of your training.
- Create a copy of your resume and then delete all but the header.
- Using the new document with your header, create a cover letter for the job you have chosen.
- Ask Mrs. Frascht for help using MS Word to create an envelope that could be used for sending your cover letter to a potential employer.
Introduction to Job Applications
If you are a job seeker, you will probably have to fill out one or more application forms. You should know that employers do read the forms, and that the way you prepare the application can make a big difference in getting an interview and being hired for the job.
Be Prepared
Make sure you know the correct names, dates, places and other information you will need. It may be helpful to create a sample application to bring with you when you apply for a job, in case you must fill out an application form on the spot.
Ask If You May Take A Blank Application Home
Filling out the form at home can be easier as you are able to take your time and do a good job. If possible, ask for an extra form, just in case.
Read The Form
Before you start writing, look for instructions that say “use pen only” or that tells you to list information in a certain order.
Online Applications
When completing an online application, be sure to check to see if the application can be saved and completed at a later time or if you have to complete the application within one sitting (such as Great Salt Plains Health requires).
Be Neat
Type the information if possible. If typing the information is not possible, be sure to use a black pen.
Answer All Questions Completely And Correctly
Know proper dates, addresses and how to spell names and places. Don’t make up answers. Some companies will allow you to put “see attached resume” on the application if you are also able to send or attach a resume. Do not put “see attached resume” just because you don’t want to complete the form! Answer the questions on the form. If a question does not pertain to you it is acceptable to put “Not Applicable” or “N/A” but do not leave any questions unanswered. Be sure to read the job description and application process and complete all required elements. Be HONEST with all answers on the application!
Be Positive
List what you have been doing, not what you haven’t done. For example, if you have been unemployed for a period of time, show the work you have been busy with, such as going to school, managing a household or doing carpentry on your home. If paid experience is not specified, list any volunteer jobs or activities that can show your skill and ability to work.
Be Clear
Know the position title you are applying for and the right salary range. You may have to do some research to find this information. Also, most application forms ask when you will be available to start work. Be prepared to answer this question. If you have a specific required salary range be sure to include it. “Negotiable” is an acceptable answer if that is the case.
Ask References Beforehand
List people whom you have checked with and who have agreed to give a reference. There are two kinds of references, 1) Character or Friend, 2) Employer. Do not use relatives as references.
Proofread The Application When You Are Finished
Make sure you correct any errors or omissions. Check your spelling. Then, hand it in or mail it. If you are mailing the form, it is a good idea for you to make a copy for yourself and to note the date you sent the application. Also, when mailing an application, be sure to send a cover letter re-stating your interest and qualifications.
Additional Tips
Do NOT ask what the salary is when picking up or asking for an application!! That is a total turn off for some employers. That will eventually be discussed in the interview process. If you are going in person to inquire about an application, be sure to dress appropriately! Do not show up in casual wear because you never know if they will just immediately call you in to visit about the position! This is your first chance to make a first impression!
Sample Job Application
Many companies require the applicant to complete a job application in order to be considered as a candidate for that job. Applications may need to be completed online or downloaded then completed using software such as MS Word or Adobe Acrobat. Some applications can be sent electronically while other companies prefer a printed copy. The Best Way to Write a Resume by Job Genius video provides tips for completing a job application. Download the sample job application to your computer. Save the file in the Alvacc2024 folder on the desktop and then your class folder and then your folder. Please ask me for help with using Adobe Acrobat to insert your information into the application. After completing the application, print it then upload it to your folder on the Shared Google Drive.