Do not log in to any Apple iCloud, Mac Mail or other personalization accounts except Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, etc.) and Gmail. Everyone uses the same Mac user account so please do not customize the user account to your settings which means do NOT add you Google profile setting. Login to gmail and then go to Apps icon then select Google Drive or a profile could automatically be created for you and the bookmarks may not be available to the next person.
**** Axton – Do NOT log in to Google Chrome Profile!! Use the bookmarks to go to your email or Google Drive.****
OG&E Positive Energy Scholarship – To be eligible for a Positive Energy Scholarship, students must:
- be a graduating high school senior from the OG&E service area
- attend college in Oklahoma or Arkansas
- have an unweighted cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 3.25
- receive an ACT score of greater than or equal to 25 and/or SAT score greater than or equal to 1200
- students must pursue and maintain one of the listed STEM majors
- view the additional requirements and deadlines at .
Dr. Bob Mooneyham Memorial Scholarship for Future Teachers
The Oklahoma State School Boards Association Foundation will once again present the Dr. Bob Mooneyham Memorial Scholarship for Future Teachers this spring to a deserving Oklahoma high school senior who plans to become an Oklahoma educator.
Applications for the one-year $5,000 scholarship are due by Jan. 10. The application can be completed online at
To qualify, the candidate:
- Must be a high school student who will earn a diploma from an Oklahoma public high school during the 2024-25 school year.
- Must have plans to pursue a degree at an accredited Oklahoma college, university or career technology center beginning in the fall of 2025.
- Must have a minimum 3.0 unweighted high school GPA
- Preferred – Have a minimum 20 ACT or 1040 SAT score
- Must plan to major in education
- Must plan to be an Oklahoma educator
Financial need will also be considered.
Children or grandchildren of OSSBA employees, officers, or board of director members, as well as international students, high school graduates and temporary residents, are ineligible to receive the scholarship.
The successful student will be notified of his or her selection by mid-March. With permission from the district, a representative of the OSSBA Foundation will present the student with the scholarship during the school’s spring award or class day assembly.
This scholarship honors the memory and legacy of Dr. Bob Mooneyham, who began his career as a teacher, coach and guidance counselor, before becoming a school superintendent and college professor. He served as executive director of OSSBA for 25 years – from 1975 to 2000. From the capitol to the classroom, he was a respected and caring professional who made a difference in the lives of students across the state.
Mooneyham, who passed away in 2012, is honored annually during the OSSBA Bob Mooneyham Memorial Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the tournament are used to fund the scholarship in his name. We appreciate the many OSSBA members who support the golf tournament each year.
Thank you for helping us spread the word about this incredible opportunity for students. Resources to promote the scholarship can be downloaded here:
For more information, please contact Amber Graham Fitzgerald, OSSBA Director of Member and Community Engagement, at
NWTC Foundation Scholarship – Information available at Students must submit the following:
- typed application
- copy of resume
- letter of recommendation
- copies of transcripts
Oklahoma City Community Foundation Scholarships – Students may set up a scholarship account by visiting This website has a variety of scholarships, not just students in the OKC area.
Morning Auto – 9:15 am group:
The following students need to complete the work listed below:
- Gavin – Resume (real referenes) and job application
- Domynik – Job application
- Colin – Add references to resume and print and complete job application
- Angel – Resume (real references) and job application
- Malakai – Resume (real references) and job application
- Aiden – Resume (real references) and job application
Morning Auto – 10:00 am group:
The following students need to complete the work listed below:
- Austin – finish a few questions on job application
- Joe – finish a few questions on job application
- Higen – finish a few questions on job application
Afternoon Auto – 2:15 pm group:
The following students need to complete the work listed below:
- Conner – resume needs updated and placed behind all work in notebook
- Clayton – Resume needs some corrections
- Cody – job application
- Trevor – job application
- Michael – Finish skills and references section on resume and complete job application
- Landon -resume needs updated and placed behind all work in notebook
- Weston – resume needs updated and placed behind all work in notebook
- Alexander – Work on resume that I placed in Google Drive folder