Student Organizations

Career and technical student organizations (CTSOs) have a long history of helping young people learn more than just skills for a future career. CTSO members also learn to become good citizens who will contribute greatly to their communities and to their nation. Members student organizations are involved in community service projects as well as competitive events.

The following Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are available at Northwest Tech (click on name of organization to view more information):

Business Professionals of America

Business Professionals of America (BPA) has a history as a student organization that contributes to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic and technological skills for students at the Secondary and the Postsecondary level. Through co-curricular programs and services, members of Business Professionals of America compete in demonstrations of their business technology skills, develop their professional and leadership skills, network with one another and professionals across the nation, and get involved in the betterment of their community through good works projects.  Students in the Computers and Business, Digital Design, and Marketing, Video, and Business Technology programs are encouraged to participate in the BPA organization.

Health Occupations Students of America

This national student organization is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Occupations Education Division of the American Vocational Association. Its mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.  Students in the Biomedical Science, Health Careers Certification and Practical Nursing programs are encouraged to participate in the HOSA organization.


SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry representatives working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. Their mission is to provide quality educational experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communication skills. It emphasizes total quality at work: high ethical standards, superior work skills, life-long education and pride in work. Students in the Auto Technology, Collision Repair, Electrical Trades, and Welding Technology programs are encouraged to participate in the SkillsUSA organization.

National Technical Honor Society

The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) organization honors students for achievement and success in career and technical education. This honor is bestowed upon those students who exhibit the qualities of citizenship, leadership, workmanship, and scholarship.

Superintendent’s Leadership Class


The Superintendent’s Leadership Class (SLC) program is designed to identify both secondary and post-secondary students with the desire, experience and characteristics to become leaders at NWTC. Activities will take place during the school year to build leadership skills, to develop ambassadors for NWTC and to recognize the best and the brightest future leaders. Students will take part in monthly meetings including:  team building, governmental awareness,  and much more!

Selection Criteria

Participation is open to any secondary or adult student in the Northwest Technology Center District.  Students from each campus will be selected for this program. Equal representation from all parts of the district will be sought. A selection committee comprised of members of the NWTC Administration will conduct a brief interview with potential members.

Attendance at Class Meetings

In order for students to get the most out of this program, attendance is required at all events. When students miss more than two class sessions, they will be asked to withdraw from the program.

Instructions for Application

Students who wish to apply for the Superintendent’s Leadership Class should complete the following steps:

1. Interested students must complete an application. The application must be typed or can be computer generated if a similar format is used.

2. Each applicant is required to have three recommendations. One form may be completed by a Career Tech Instructor. Two forms must be completed by a community leader, high school counselor or employer who is familiar with the student and has known the student for at least one year. The recommendations must be postmarked by September 6, 2024. Return envelopes for recommendation forms can be picked up by the applicant at the front office. – Download SLC Recommendation Form

3. The application form is due to the front office no later than 5 pm on September 6, 2024  – Download SLC Application

4. Students will be required to complete a short interview with the selection committee. The student will be notified with the time and date of the interview after the application is received.


  • September 6, 2024 —Applications Due to Front Office And Recommendation Form Postmark Deadline
  • Mid September—Students Will Be Informed of Interview Schedule
  • Late September – Activities begin

More Information

Students may  view a Description of the SLC program before they download the SLC Contract. For more information about the Superintendent’s Leadership Class, please contact Melinda Barton at 580.327.0344 or Jeremy Eaton, Assistant Superintendent of Alva Campus at 380.327.0344 or Colt Shaw, Assistant Superintendent of Fairview Campus.

Northwest Career Academy

Northwest Technology Center in conjunction with your individual community is proud to be able to host the Northwest Career Academy.  The academy is an entrepreneurship awareness program for students entering the eighth grade that is made possible by Northwest Technology and Oklahoma Rural Rehabilitation Corporation in conjunction with local leaders and local lending institutions.

As populations continue to age and our students move elsewhere to establish themselves professionally, we have become an area lacking essential service type jobs that everyone uses day to day.  We realize these issues are very broad and are not items that can be resolved without a collaboration of efforts from various entities with numerous perspectives on the issue.  The Northwest Career Academy is an awareness program that will allow your child to see opportunity in our area, and will encourage them to take ownership in the future of this area.  Areas of focus will be: passion for their community, personal responsibility and communication, setting goals for their community and working to achieve them, as well as building relationships with community leaders that can last a lifetime.

This experience will provide for a four day long experience culminating with a significant scholarship presented on May30, 2025  for each student selected.  The scholarship will be placed in an account and will be payable to the student upon his/her graduation from their local high school and completion of the program.   This scholarship money will be made payable to the student for continuing education or tools of a trade that he or she may have chosen during high school.  The student upon making application is agreeing to attendance of the Academy on May 28-30, 2025.  The student is further agreeing to meet annually throughout their high school career with members of their NW Academy class each year for a half day refresher session.  The program will be a unique opportunity for our kids to gain an appreciation for their local community as well as build relationships and leadership skills that we hope will last a lifetime.

The 2025 Northwest Career Academy will be held May 28-30, 2025. The Northwest Career Academy Application is available to download. The application deadline is March 13, 2025.

For more information, please call 580.327.0344.