NWTC Partners with OK Department of Corrections for Training

NWTC Partners with OK Department of Corrections for Training

Northwest Technology Center (NWTC) in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections(DOC) are striving to train DOC employees regionally. The DOC, specifically, Bill Johnson Correctional Center, James Crabtree Correctional Center and the William S. Key Correctional Center and Northwest Technology Center have formed this partnership which provides a Northwest Oklahoma Correctional Officers Academy to train entry level personnel for these facilities. Many of those trained could not attend a lengthy training further away because of the distance traveled and commitments to family. The officer academy provides this training locally for this workforce. This partnerships helps the DOC in Northwest Oklahoma recruit and retain employees. NWTC is pleased to be able to be to serve Northwest Oklahoma residents and to assist the DOC and its employees. The academy is coordinated by Charlotte Hadwiger, Business and Industry Services Director for Northwest Technology Center-Alva campus.

Sgt. Chris Jamison and Canine Officer, Boomer work with the entry level DOC employees involved in the Northwest Oklahoma Correctional Officers Academy. The group is learning about the procedures for the drug dog at DOC facilities.

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