It is the policy of Northwest Technology Center to avoid discrimination against any employee or applicant for jobs because of the individual’s gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, gender identity, race or national origin, or because the employee or applicant is an individual with a qualified disability or is a qualified protected veteran. Northwest Technology Center will take affirmative action to employ all persons and promote all employees regardless of their gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, gender identity, race or national origin, religion or because the employee or applicant is an individual with a qualified disability or is a qualified protected veteran. It is our policy to base all employment decisions on bona fide job qualifications. This policy applies not only to initial employment but also to all subsequent employment, compensation, and training actions at the school.
Employees and applicants at the school will not be subject to harassment, intimidation, threats, coercion or discrimination because they have or may file a complaint against the school, assisted a regulatory agency in an investigation of the school, or exercised their rights under any federal, state, or local EEO laws.
This notice is provided as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act, the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, and any other state and federal laws addressing equal educational opportunity. The persons designated to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out these responsibilities are the assistant superintendents and counselors at each site.
No Discriminación.
Salvo en la medida permitida por la ley, el Fondo, la Escuela, Coordinador Clínico, Programa de Escuela de la facultad, personal clínico / instructores y estudiantes no po-drá discriminar sobre la base de raza, color, credo, sexo, esto es incluir información genética, comom, así como la orientación sexual, identidad de genero, expresión do genero, edad, religión, origen nacional, discapaci-dad o estado de veterano en el cumplimiento de este Acuerdo. Según sean aplicables a la Escuela, las disposiciones de la Orden Ejecutiva 11246, modificado por el EO 11375 y EO 11141 y cmplemen-tado en el reglamento Departmento de Trabajo (41 CFR Parte 60 et. SEC.) Se incorporan a este Acuerdo y debe ser incluido en los inclui-do en los subcontratos que adjudique en la participación de este Acuerdo. La escuela representa que, con excepción de lo permitido por la ley, todos los servicios se proporcionan sin discriminación por motivos de raza, color, credo, sexo, edad, religión, origen nacional, discapacidad o estado de veterano que no mantiene ni proporcionar a sus empleados las instalaciones segregadas, ni permitirán la Escuela de sus empleados para llevar a cabo sus servi-cios en cualquier lugar en el que se mantienen las instalaciones segregadas. Además, la Escuela se compromete a cumplir con la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación y la Ley de Asistencia Era veteranos de Vietnam de 1974, 38 USC Sección 4212.
Preguntas, quejas, o para más información con respecto a estas leyes pueden ser recibidas por el coordinador de quejas at Northwest Technology Center, 1801 11th St., Alva, OK. or Northwest Technology Center, 801 Vo-Tech Dri-ve, Fairview, OK.
Compliance coordinators:
Fairview Campus
Colt Shaw, Assistant Superintendent
Alva Campus
Dr. Jeremy Eaton, Assistant Superintendent
Any individual, who has experienced some other form of discrimination, including discrimination not listed above, may contact:
Northwest Technology Center
1801 11th Street
Alva, OK 73717
Outside Assistance may be obtained from:
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
One Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320 Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 268-0550
(816) 268-0599 (Fax)
(877) 521-2172 (TTY)
This notice is available in alternative formats and languages upon request.