A Phlebotomist can participate in a variety of healthcare settings such as Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories, or General Medical and Surgical Hospitals. Responsibilities of a Phlebotomy Technician include drawing blood for tests, transfusions, donations, or research, explaining procedures to patients and assisting in the recovery of patients with adverse reactions. Phlebotomists are important members of the health care team.
Financial Aid Eligible: No
Student Organization: Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
Tuition, Fees and Cost of Living:
Available to view on the Financial Aid & Tuition page
Helpful Attributes and Abilities:
- Reading and math skills at the 10th grade level or above
- A positive attitude
- A general interest in health careers
- Good communication skills
- The ability to relate to people in a caring, empathetic manner
- Good eye-hand coordination
- Good physical and mental health
- Dependability
- Ability to work effectively with a wide variety of personality types
Career Opportunities May Include: Phlebotomist, Laboratory Assistant
Certifications/Credentials: Students are eligible to test for the following certifications: ODCTE -Phlebotomy Technician and WorkKeys Certifications.
Accreditations: NWTC is accredited by the Oklahoma State Department of Education, The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education.
Cluster: Health Science
CIP Code: 51.1009 – Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist
SOC Code: 31-9097.00 Phlebotomists
Alva Instructor: Brooke Meyer