Eighth graders from four area schools were encouraged to think about and plan for future careers during a tour of Northwest Technology Center last week. Students from Alva, Freedom, Waynoka and Cherokee attended Eighth Grade Tours at Northwest Technology Center.
Students spent time in each of NWTC’s seven programs which are open to high school students. Students learned the types of skills and information taught in each program. NWTC offers programs to high school students in Automotive Technology, BioMedical Sciences, Collision Repair, Computers and Business, Construction (Plumbing and Electrical), Digital Design and Health Careers Certification.
The tours were coordinated by Karen Koehn, NWTC’s Career Counselor. As a follow up to the tours, Koehn along with an instructor or counselor from each of the schools will help each student develop a four year plan for high school classes. Each plan will be unique to the student and their high school based on graduation requirements. It will help the students focus on a plan of study which fits their respective educational and career goals. Plans can include high school classes, technology center classes and college classes.
According to Koehn, “The Plans of Study will be available to students and parents during the next four years to keep students on track to reach their goals. However, they are not set in stone and can be changed as student’s attitudes and interests grow.”
More information about courses offered at Northwest Technology Center by contacting Koehn at 580.327.0344 or by accessing the NWTC website at www.nwtech.edu.
Area 8th Graders Explore Future Careers