Daren Slater, Superintendent
Jeremy Eaton, Assistant Superintendent
Staff Directory – Alva Campus
First Name | Last Name | Position | Campus | Phone Number | |
Kasey | Adair | Biomedical Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | kadair@nwtech.edu |
Felipe | Arizmendi | Custodial/Maintenance - Evening Shift | Alva | 580.327.0344 | farizmendi@nwtech.edu |
Melinda | Barton | Director of Marketing | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0344 | mbarton@nwtech.edu |
Liz | Bittle | Assistant Financial Officer | Alva | 580.327.0344 | lbittle@nwtech.edu |
Melanie | Blackwood | Practical Nursing Instructor | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0344 | mblackwood@nwtech.edu |
Amanda | Clepper | Assistant LPN Director/Instructor | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0344 | aclepper@nwtech.edu |
Sharon | Corder | Training Navigator | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0375 | scorder@nwtech.edu |
Jeremy | Eaton | Assistant Superintendent | Alva | 580.327.0344 | jeaton@nwtech.edu |
Angie | Flynt | Central Office Administrative Professional | Alva | 580.327.0344 | aflynt@nwtech.edu |
Tino | Fraire | Maintenance | Alva | 580.327.0344 | tfraire@nwtech.edu |
Tami | Frascht | Career Center Coordinator | Alva | 580.327.0344 | tfrascht@nwtech.edu |
Ashlee | Frazier | Custodial/Maintenance - Daytime Shift | Alva | 580.327.0344 | afrazier@nwtech.edu |
Greg | Graham | Network Information Services Manager | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0344 | ggraham@nwtech.edu |
Charlotte | Hadwiger | BIS/ACD Director | Alva | 580.327.0344 | chadwiger@nwtech.edu |
Adam | Honeyman | BIS Coordinator | Alva | 580.327.0344 | ahoneyman@nwtech.edu |
Karen | Koehn | Career Counselor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | kkoehn@nwtech.edu |
Dr. Brenna | Koppitz | Biomedical Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | bkoppitz@nwtech.edu |
Jessica | Kriegh | BIS/ACD Administrative Professional | Alva | 580.327.0344 | jkriegh@nwtech.edu |
Juan | Licea Jr. | Math Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | jlicea@nwtech.edu |
Pam | Malone | Computer and Business Technology Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | pmalone@nwtech.edu |
Brooke | Meyer | Health Careers Certification Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | bmeyer@nwtech.edu |
Halah | Nusser | BIS Health Coordinator | Alva | 580.327.0344 | hnusser@nwtech.edu |
Ron | Rader | Automotive Technology Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | rrader@nwtech.edu |
Haley | Ragan | Ag and Small Business Development Coordinator | Alva | 580.327.0344 | hragan@nwtech.edu |
Jessica | Schanbacher | Digital Design Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | jschanbacher@nwtech.edu |
Eric | Sheik | Electrical Trades Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | esheik@nwtech.edu |
Daren | Slater | Superintendent | Alva | 580.327.0344 | dslater@nwtech.edu |
Ashlee | Sneary | Director of Finance | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0344 | asneary@nwtech.edu |
Tara | Thomas | LPN Director/Instructor | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0344 | tthomas@nwtech.edu |
Ben | Turner | Electrical Trades Instructor | Alva | 580.327.0344 | bturner@nwtech.edu |
Denise | Whitehead | Training Navigator | High Plains - Woodward | 580.571.6187 | dwhitehead@hptc.edu |
Sonja | Williams | Human Resources/Financial Aid Director | Alva and Fairview | 580.327.0344 | swilliams@nwtech.edu |
Jeremy | Zeller | Woods County Economic Development Director | Alva | 580.327.2150 | jzeller@nwtech.edu |