Culinary Students Prepare Meal for Chamber Event

Culinary Students Prepare Meal for Chamber Event

Students from Northwest Technology Center’s Culinary program prepared and served the meal for the Fairview Chamber of Commerce Ladies Luncheon held last week. The students prepared chicken salad sandwiches, several types of salads, cheese and crackers, fresh vegetables and assorted tarts for approximately 80 attendees. Dr. Marcie Mack, Director of the Oklahoma Department of CareerTech was the featured speaker for the event. The students and Dr. Mack are pictured. They include: Jasmine Durham, Fairview, Laura Setser, Canton, Ceairra Gulliford, Fairview, Dr. Mack, Brittanie Martin, Fairview, Paige Reeves, Fairview and Jeanette Blevins, Culinary Instructor at NWTC.

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