Alva Area Sophomores Get A Head Start On Selecting A Career

Alva Area Sophomores Get A Head Start On Selecting A Career

Did you know what you wanted to do when you graduated from high school? Sophomores from area high schools had an opportunity to explore career and educational opportunities by touring Northwest Technology Center earlier this month.

“Sophomore Tours are an annual event at Northwest Technology Center,” according to Karen Koehn, Guidance Counselor, “this is an exciting time for our staff, students and perspective students.” During the tours students are given a 20 minute introduction to each of the seven Northwest Technology Center programs in the morning. The students are asked to choose two programs to return to for more hands-on learning experience in the afternoon.

According to Daren Slater, NWTC’s Assistant Superintendent, “We are excited that these students, teachers, guidance counselors and administrators take the time to come and see what we have to offer. Traditionally, juniors and seniors attend. However, others may choose to attend after graduating from high school.”

Northwest Technology Center has seven programs available to high school students on its Alva campus. These include: Auto Service Technology, BioMedical Sciences, Collision Repair Technology, Computer and Business Technology, Construction Trades-Electrical and Plumbing, Digital Design and Health Careers Certification. NWTC also offers Practical Nursing which requires a high school diploma or GED and is open only to adult students.

Approximately, 70 Alva High School sophomores plus several parents participated in the tours earlier this month and sophomores from Burlington, Cherokee, Freedom and Waynoka toured in January.

For more information about attending NWTC next fall call 580.327.0344 in Alva or 580.227.3708 in Fairview.

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