Tribal Resilience Scholarship Program ~ 4.01.21

The Tribal Resilience Program recognizes the importance of engaging our youth to sustain a resilient future for all Tribal Nations and Alaska Native Villages.


Please visit our Resilience Resources for Youth page(link is external) and download a copy of the Youth Brochure to share with students and faculty.


Tribal Student Resilience Photo and Visual Arts Contest

2015 Summer and Fall Contest Winners

The Spring Contest begins March 30th and submissions are due by May 14th- Open NOW!!
The Fall Contest begins September 1st and submissions are due by October 31st

For the visual arts and photo contest, draw, paint, or take a picture of something you value in your community that may be at risk, or vulnerable. Include a caption for your art describing the current impact – and what might be done about it. Submit all captioned art, and any questions by e-mail to: sends e-mail) or by teacher’s class instructions.

There are three different Categories: K-5th grade, 6-8th grade, and 9-12th grade

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