Practical Nursing – 1.22.19

PN Students will meet on Tuesday this week instead of Thursday.

Students will continue working on resumes and/or make suggested corrections and improvements.  Some of the most common corrections/suggestions include:

  • Include hyphens or bullets to separate areas of the address and contact info in the heading section.
  • An example of formatting for city, state, and zip is:  1801 11th Street, Alva, OK 73717 which includes the comma after the name of the city with the two letters in abbreviation for state capitalized.
  • Use either (580) 327-0344 as a format for telephone numbers or 580.327.0344 but not (580)-327-0344 .
  • Include a qualification statement what explains what your goal is or leave it out.  This is not a two or three word area.
  • Education section should include the most recent education at the top of the list. Be sure to include the city and state of the school.
  • The section headings should be in a larger font than the information in the sections.
  • Be consistent with font and font sizing.  Section headings can be a larger font than section information however the headings for all sections need to be consistent in size and font.
  • Be consistent with spacing (such as spacing between sections and between bulleted items, etc.)
  • Be consistent with date formats.  If you spell out the names of months then be consistent throughout the resume.
  • Information in sections should be bulleted if possible and not in sentence format.
  • Include information for three references. References cannot be friends.  Include your relationship for each reference such as instructor, previous employer, etc.
  • Be consistent in capitalization.
  • Be accurate in job titles and descriptions (aid, aide, nurses, nurse, etc – ex. Long-Term Care Certified Nurse Aide)
  • Be consistent in tense of duties (managed, manage, assist, assisted, etc.)
  • Include dates in the education section.
  • Have all dates listed at the right side.  Ask me for help with setting a right align tab.
  • Include degrees or program areas in the education section.
  • Include the following sections:  Qualification Summary, Education, Licensure or Certifications, Experience (Work Experience), Professional Memberships, Community Activities (Community Service), Honors (Awards), Skills (if not included in work experience), and References

Sample resumes  – Nursing Student Sample Resume  – Resume For Nursing Student With Clinical Experience

When students have completed their resume, they will download and complete a job application (see link below) using Adobe Acrobat.

Instructions and hints from last week include…


We will review the Best Way to Write a Resume by Job Genius video at the top of the Resumes page – –  ( –  of the Career Center website and provided below.

Each student will need to create a resume in an easy to read professional format.  You should include a heading at the top of the resume that includes full name, full address, phone number and email address.  Sections of your resume may include qualification summary, education, licensure, work experience, additional skills, professional memberships, community activities, honors and awards, and references.

I will put some sample resume formats in the shared Google drive for you to use if you wish.  Be sure to use formatting that allows the reader to easily distinguish between the different sections.  Proofread your final copy.  Sometimes it is easier to download a document and work in Microsoft Word and then re-upload to the Google Drive than utilize Google Docs.  You may choose whichever method is easiest for you.

Links to sample resumes are available on the Resumes page – –  ( –  of the Career Center website.


Job Applications

If you are a job seeker, you will probably have to fill out one or more application forms. You should know that employers do read the forms, and that the way you prepare the application can make a big difference in getting an interview and being hired for the job.

Be Prepared

Make sure you know the correct names, dates, places and other information you will need. It may be helpful to create a sample application to bring with you when you apply for a job, in case you must fill out an application form on the spot.

Ask If You May Take A Blank Application Home

Filling out the form at home can be easier as you are able to take your time and do a good job. If possible, ask for an extra form, just in case.

Read The Form

Before you start writing, look for instructions that say “use pen only” or that tells you to list information in a certain order.

Be Neat

Type the information if possible.  If typing the information is not possible, be sure to use a black pen.

Answer All Questions Completely And Correctly

Know proper dates, addresses and how to spell names and places. Don’t make up answers.

Be Positive

List what you have been doing, not what you haven’t done. For example, if you have been unemployed for a period of time, show the work you have been busy with, such as going to school, managing a household or doing carpentry on your home. If paid experience is not specified, list any volunteer jobs or activities that can show your skill and ability to work.

Be Clear

Know the position title you are applying for and the right salary range. You may have to do some research to find this information.  Also, most application forms ask when you will be available to start work. Be prepared to answer this question.

Ask References Beforehand

List people whom you have checked with and who have agreed to give a reference. There are two kinds of references, 1) Character or Friend, 2) Employer. Do not use relatives as references.

Proofread The Application When You Are Finished

Make sure you correct any errors or omissions. Check your spelling. Then, hand it in or mail it. If you are mailing the form, it is a good idea for you to make a copy for yourself and to note the date you sent the application. Also, when mailing an application, be sure to send a cover letter re-stating your interest and qualifications.

Job Application Tips & Tricks

The Balance Careers – Job Application Tips for Teenagers – A Job Seeker’s Guide to Successfully Completing  Job Applications

Sample Job Application

Many companies require the applicant to complete a job application in order to be considered as a candidate for that job.  Applications may need to be completed online or downloaded then completed using software such as MS Word or Adobe Acrobat.  Some applications can be sent electronically while other companies prefer a printed copy.  The Best Way to Write a Resume by Job Genius video provides tips for completing a job application.  Download the sample nursing related job application  to your computer. Please ask me for help with using Adobe Acrobat to insert your information into the application. After completing the application upload it to your folder on the Shared Google Drive.


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