OSU – IT Presentation ~ 1.28.20

Presentation – January 28

Lisa Currington, Prior Learning Coordinator at OSU Institute of Technology, is scheduled to be at our campus on January 28 to present information to our students about opportunities available to them thru OSU-IT.
Students will meet in the Multipurpose Room at the following times for her presentation and a question and answer session:
Morning sessions:
  • 8:15 – 8:45 am – Computers & Business and Digital Design programs
  • 9:00 – 9:30 am – Health Careers, BioMed, and Practical Nursing programs
  • 9:45 – 10:15 am – Auto Tech, Collision Repair and Electrical/Construction Trades programs
Afternoon sessions:
  • 12:45 – 1:15 pm – Computers & Business and Digital Design programs
  • 1:30 – 2:00 pm – Health Careers, BioMed, and Practical Nursing programs
  • 2:15 – 2:45 pm – Auto Tech, Collision Repair and Electrical/Construction Trades programs

Credit thru Prior Learning

Did you know some students may be able to accelerate their education at OSUIT through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)?  OSUIT believes that college-level learning can take place outside of the traditional college classroom. Through Prior Learning Assessment, you can earn credit toward your degree by documenting the knowledge you have gained during years of work and life-long learning. Information about Prior Learning is available at https://osuit.edu/pla/index.php.

Degrees Offered

Do you know the following are some of the degrees are available from OSU-IT?  Full list is available at https://osuit.edu/degrees.php. You may view degrees offered by Career Cluster  – https://osuit.edu/pla/ct-training.php.
Computers & Business and Digital Design Programs:

Health Programs:

Auto Tech Program:

Electrical/Construction Trades Program:


Additional Information

For more information about Prior Learning Credit at OSUIT, contact the Prior Learning Assessment Office at 800.722.4471 or visit with Mrs. Frascht in the Career Center.

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