Mike Rowe Work Ethics Scholarship ~ 5.06.21 Deadline

The Mike Row Work Ethics Scholarship is open but only until May 6, 2021.  The scholarship link is  – https://www.mikeroweworks.org/scholarship/ .
The website states the following:

Each year, we recognize people willing to work smart AND hard.

The Work Ethic Scholarship Program is about recognizing people who understand the importance of work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude. These are hardworking men and women who will keep the lights on, water running, and air flowing. These are people who show up early, stay late, and bust their asses day in and out. These are the people we want to reward.
The scholarship application process is not simple; however, it isn’t impossible either.  If students need any assistance from me, please have them come visit with me.

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