James Alan Cox Foundation for Student Photojournalists Scholarship

Current and past NWTC students may be interested in the James Alan Cox Foundation for Student Photojournalists scholarships. Student photojournalists have an opportunity to receive scholarship awards for their work. Applicants must submit photographs or videos that “tell a story.” One suggestion for subject matter is the current COVID-19 crisis. Students should demonstrate how their life at school, at home and in their community has changed. In addition to a portfolio, students must also provide a brief essay, two letters of recommendation and their school transcript. Five digital SLR cameras will be awarded o high school students who submit photography. Only college and graduate students will be considered for monetary awards based on their video work or photography. For more information visit https://www.jamesalancoxfoundation.org/apply/
Award Amount: 11+ awards; $2,500
Deadline: November 15, 2020

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