Health Careers ~ 9.09.24

Welcome to Career Center!

9:00 – 9:45 am

Averie Miller
Suri Yantz
Brianna Flowers**
Katelyn Monroe
Andrew Wilkerson
Mia Schroeder**
Rhiata Bouziden**
Mersaydes Green
Elove Lara
Paris Smith-Dunn**
Logan Burgin
Kajia Canaan
Maecen Rodgers
Charles Shafer
Hannah Caywood
Anthony Householder

1:30 – 2:15 pm

Kyra Robida
Kiera Durkee
Gabriel Harzman
Emma Goeken
Laramee Taylor

Topics to cover on Day 1:

New Students

  1. Is your name spelled correctly on the list above?
  2. My name is Mrs. Frascht – pronounced like Frost.
  3. Always check in with your program instructor before coming to Career Center, especially if your Career Center session is at the beginning of the day or immediately after lunch.
  4. Seating – pick a seat to sit at all semester.  No changing computers thru the semester if possible.
  5. You may wipe down keyboards and mouse before using if you wish…don’t rely on someone else to sanitize the area for you.
  6. Computer log ins – passwords for alvacc users on computers are alvacc and the computer number displayed on bottom left corner of monitor such as alvacc01.
  7. If prompted, do not run any updates on the computers.
  8. Only use Chrome for a browser during Career Center. Do not change any settings within Google Chrome.
  9. You will use Gmail and Google Drive within the browser to login but do NOT use the Chrome profile button. Confusing I know but there is a difference in what happens to the saved bookmarks. Do not log in to any Apple iCloud, Mac Mail or other personalization accounts except Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, etc.) and Gmail. Everyone uses the same Mac user account so please do not customize the user account to your settings which means do NOT add you Google profile setting.  Do NOT change the Apple ID, Microsoft User or Adobe User account  or computer settings. Are you able to log in to the Google Drive folder I created for you?
  10. The Career Center is website – I will have announcements each week for you to refer to for instructions on the activities and necessary websites.
  11.  OkCollegeStart will be used for career exploration and ICAP activities this year. Virtual Job Shadow has been used the last few years for career exploration and ICAP activities but is no longer available.
  12. Learning Styles – Students will complete a learning styles activity –  I will share the results with your instructor. I will be requiring you to print a copy of the results which include your first and last name. I will also have you create a PDF file that you will store in a designated location on the computer.
  13. WorkKeys testing – Students will complete three ACT WorkKeys Career Readiness exams – Graphic Literacy, Workplace Documents, and Applied Math. For more information, visit
  14. Assessments & Credentials – Students will complete assessments such as Certiport, ODCTE, PLTW, and ASE within Career Center.
  15. Scholarships – will be listed on Career Center website.  Assistance with applications may be available.
  16. Employment opportunities – will be listed on Career Center website.  Assistance with applications may be available.
  17. Personality Styles – In the near future, students will complete a personality styles activity that I will share with their instructor.   The Personality Style Inventory I will use is


Returning Students

  1. Log in to your Google Drive account – *Do NOT use the profile button*. Go to to log in.
  2. Find the PDF file from last year with your Learning Styles Inventory Results.  Create a copy then move that copy to this year’s Alvacc2024 Google Drive folder. Print the results and place in the tray in front of my laptop on the stand.
  3. Find a copy of your resume in your Google Drive.  Create a copy and move that new copy to the Alvacc2024 folder I have created for you.  Make updates as needed. Be sure to update any certifications, awards, honors, memberships, job changes, etc. as well as if you changed programs at NWTC. Don’t delete the past program or job just add the new one above the old one. Print a copy of the updated resume and put in sheet protectors and add to the back of your notebook on the shelves.

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