Health Careers ~ 2.06.23

***Just a reminder…..Google Profile vs Google Drive***

Just a reminder…. do NOT log in with Google Profile…. go to or to log in please.  If you log in to Google Profile there is a big chance it will mess up all bookmarks I have made available for students.


Let’s talk future plans and scholarships!

If you are interesting in applying for scholarships, check out the scholarship posts – – which you actually access at any time by going to Announcements and then selecting Scholarships from the Categories option.

Have you heard of If not, you can visit to check out scholarships by monthly deadlines or category.

Let’s talk about ways to organize your scholarship information…

  • Google Folders
  • Google Sheet
  • TurboScan app for scanning information that can used for documentation or for multiple scholarships

Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines

  1. NWTC Foundation Scholarship – Due 2.10.23
  2. Otha Grimes Scholarship (adults only) – Due 2.10.23 – instructions
  3. OSAG Member Scholarships (Seniors) – Due 2.28.23 – more info
  4. OROS Scholarship – Due 2.15.23
  5. Oklahoma School Insurance Group (Seniors) – Due 3.03.23
  6. NWTC Tuition Waiver


Cover Letter and Envelope…..

You started working on a cover letter and envelope that could be used when applying for a job.  You were allowed to choose a “job” you would like to apply for. Instructions for creating the cover letter and envelope are available at

The following students need to complete or make corrections to the cover letter and envelope:

  • ,Morning session – Julie (corrections) and Carli (envelope)
  • Afternoon session – Emma Assignment  – Interviewing – Tips by Job Genius and Possible Interview Questions 2022-2023 Assignment

The following students need to complete the VJS Interview Assignment as well as complete the Interview Questions Google Doc.

  • Morning Session: Julie, Lexi, Carli, Ally, Kynlee (VJS assignment only) and Sienna (VJS assignment only)
  •  Afternoon Session: VJS Assignment only – Nevaeh and Emma

Login Instructions

Staff and students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at Students will use the same username and password as used for WorkKeys assessments. Usernames (except for a few students) will be your FirstnameLastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.  Usernames and passwords should be recorded in the Passwords Google Sheet I have provided in the Google Drive folder I have Shared with you for the Career Center.

Complete the Job Interview Tips  Assignment in

  1. Be sure to follow the steps of the assignment in Virtual Job Shadow Interview Tips Assignment including watching the linked video in closed captioning mode.
  2. Print your Health Careers Interview Questions document when you have answered all the questions.
  3. Print the results of the VJS assignment after it is submitted and downloaded and add the work to your black notebook.

Personality Assessment Assignment 

The following students need to complete the VJS 16 Personalities Assignment and or the 16Personalities test:

  • Morning session: Julie (VJS only), Lexi (VJS only), Sienna (both VJS and personality test), Ally (VJS only)
  • Afternoon session: Hayley (both VJS and personality test)

Your personality type influences many areas of your life.  Many people find that understanding their personality type makes it much easier to see themselves objectively. This self-awareness helps them access their strengths and address weaknesses in ways that make their lives better. One of the most rewarding aspects of personality typology is when people discover that they’re not alone in the way that they think and feel. It can be a great relief to realize that many other people share surprisingly similar internal mechanics and that each personality type’s approach to life is valid. Personality typology is also extremely helpful among people who don’t share similar traits. Learning how differently the personality types function lets diverse people communicate and understand each other better. This can have powerfully beneficial effects in the workplace.

You will be using the website during this assignment to determine your personality style.  Before starting the assessment be sure no one is logged into the website.  If no one is logged in, a “Take the Test” button should be available in the top right corner of the window.  If there is a “personality character” displaying in the top right corner of the screen, someone forgot to log in before leaving.  When your results display, be sure to the results emailed to you by creating an account!  Do not click to proceed until we have created an account AND created a screen shot of your results which we will also print.

Virtual Job Shadow Login Instructions

Staff and students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at Students will use the same username and password as used for WorkKeys assessments. Usernames (except for a few students) will be your FirstnameLastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.  Usernames and passwords should be recorded in the Passwords Google Sheet I have provided in the Google Drive folder I have Shared with you for the Career Center.

When you get to Question 12… you will NOT name a classmate; however. I do want you to provide me with characteristics in a person that you find challenging to work with.

Upon completion of the assignment, you should have the following:

  • Completed the assessment
  • Created an account and had your results emailed to you
  • Created a screenshot of your results
  • Printed the screenshot of your results
  • Uploaded the screenshot of your results to the Shared Google Drive folder I made for you
  • Completed the questions within the VJS Assignment
  • Submitted the assignment
  • Downloaded and printed the assignment


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