Fall 2023 Scholarships for Adult Students

ODCTE Otha Grimes Scholarship

This scholarship is available to adult students who are Oklahoma residents enrolled in a program at a Career and Technology Center. Applicants must submit applications online.

  • Amount: Varies
  • Deadline: Each technology center district may impose its own deadline for its respective students. Final Fall 2023 electronic submissions from district financial aid directors are due into ctYOU by: Friday, September 8, 2023.
  • The Code for “course” within ctYou is wh4mpn.
  • Please complete the following and save electronically prior to starting the online process:  Otha-Grimes-Francis-Tuttle-Scholarhip-Worksheet-081722
  • For students: Application and Instructions
  • When calculating the estimated cost of mileage to and from school, use $0.655 for rate per mile times the number of miles to and from school each day times the number of days in the semester which is 86 days for the Fall 2023 semester.

NWTC Foundation Scholarship

Each year a portion of the monies raised by the Foundation will go to support scholarships for deserving students. This financial assistance may include books, tuition, and other educational costs. The Foundation Scholarship committee assists in the establishment of scholarships and the selection of the recipients.

Adults only may apply for the Fall NWTC Foundation Scholarships. High school juniors or seniors and adults may apply for the Spring NWTC Foundation Scholarships.  To claim the scholarship, students will be required to show that they are incurring some type of educational expense for either the current semester or next summer or fall.

Students may download the NWTC Foundation Scholarship application –  NWTC Foundation Scholarship Application 2023.

Fall 2023 applications are due by Friday, September 8. The following must be submitted by that deadline:

  • Typed (not hand written) application form
  • Resume
  • Transcripts from high school, college, and/or technology centers
  • Letter of recommendation

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