Digital Design ~ 2.21.23

***Just a reminder…..Google Profile vs Google Drive***

Just a reminder…. do NOT log in with Google Profile…. go to or to log in please.  If you log in to Google Profile there is a big chance it will mess up all bookmarks I have made available for students.


If you are interesting in applying for scholarships, check out the scholarship posts – – which you actually access at any time by going to Announcements and then selecting Scholarships from the Categories option.  Be sure to check out for scholarships.

Some scholarship deadlines that are approaching:

What needs to be completed …

8:15 – 9:00 am session:

  • Cristen – VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc
  • Adrian – Still need to answer a few Interview Questions in Google Doc

9:15 – 10:00 am session:

  • Rylee – VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc
  • Kennedy – VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc
  • Katy – Job Application,  VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc
  • Ethan – VJS Interview Tips

12:45 – 1:30 pm session:

  • Pryce – VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc
  • Brooklyn – VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc
  • Evan – Interview Questions Google Doc
  • Jacqueline – Resume needs reference,  Job application, VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc

2:15 – 3:00 pm session: 

  • Winter – VJS Interview Tips & Interview Questions Google Doc

  • Assignment – Interview Follow Up and Tips for First Day Assignment (2022-2023)

    Complete the following:

    1. Complete the Interview Follow Up and Tips for First Day Assignment in
    2. Download and print the results or completed assignment and put the printouts in your black binder.
    3. Compose and email to me using as the email you are sending it to.  This email is to be composed as a thank you for the interview letter using the sample job and information as you did for the cover letter. The email needs to be at least two paragraphs with at least three sentences per paragraph. Some things to include in the email: position that you applied for, what you liked about the company and/or position, why you would be a good employee for the company and or a good fit for this position, any experiences or training that makes you a good candidate for the job, etc. Add your email address to the bcc portion of the email (ask me if you need help). Then print a copy of the email once it is delivered to you and put the printout in your black binder.

    It’s important to keep your thank-you message short and focused. Most people skim email, so you want to be brief and to the point. Your email message should include:

    • Subject (Your Name – Thank You)
    • Greeting
    • First paragraph (thank you for the interview, what you like about the company and what you have to offer the employer)
    • Second paragraph (offer to answer any questions, looking forward to hearing from you)
    • Signature (include your wider contact information (phone, Skype ID, LinkedIn URL, etc.) , so it’s easy for them to respond)

    Some examples of thank you emails are provided below:

    Short thank-you note

    This brief thank-you note includes all of the essentials in a straightforward manner:

    Subject line: Thanks for meeting with me

    Hello Pat,

    Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about working with the marketing team.

    It sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for collaboration and advancement. I think my master’s in marketing and marketing experience would make me an excellent candidate for the role.

    I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need additional information about my references.

    Thank you,

    Hannah Lee

    Detailed thank-you note

    If you want to add more information to what you discussed during the interview, consider sending a more detailed thank-you letter. A detailed thank-you letter can show that you were being attentive during the interview by referencing details of what was discussed.

    Subject line: Thank you for meeting with me

    Hello Pat,

    Thank you for taking the time to interview me this morning. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about how the role works. The way the marketing and advertising teams work together sounds ideal for reaching goals and optimizing performance.

    The Marketing Manager position sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for leadership and advancement. I think my master’s in marketing from Edison University and more than seven years of experience leading marketing teams would make me an excellent candidate for this position.

    I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.

    Thank you,

    Hannah Lee

    Informal thank-you note

    If you apply for a job in an industry that prioritizes casual communication, or you are interviewing for an internal position and you know your interviewer, an informal thank-you note may be appropriate.

    Subject line: Great to meet you

    Hi Pat,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me earlier today. Our conversation about the Marketing Manager position was inspiring, and it was fantastic to learn more about the role.

    The job sounds exciting, and I think I would be an ideal candidate, thanks to my master’s degree and years of experience in the field.

    Please contact me if you want to discuss further. Thanks again for the opportunity.


    Hannah Lee

    Formal thank-you letter

    When you apply for a role in an industry that relies on more official interactions, plan to send a formal thank-you letter.

    Subject line: Thank you for the interview

    Dear Dr. Chen,

    Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the Marketing Manager position this morning. It was inspiring to have such an insightful conversation about marketing metrics, and it was a pleasure to learn more about your insight into the industry.

    The details you shared about the position and future goals for the marketing team convinced me that the role would be an ideal match for my qualifications. I believe that my Master of Science in Marketing from Edison University and seven years of experience as a marketing specialist would allow me to make a valuable contribution to the department.

    Thank you,

    Hannah Lee

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