Construction Trades/Electrical ~ 8.30.19

Most students will be taking WorkKeys tests today.  Please see the list below to see which test you will need to take.  Please get 2 pieces of scratch paper and a pencil to use if needed during the test.  You will need to leave any scratch paper you use with me (or my substitute if I’m not here). Only students taking the Applied Math test will be allowed to use a calculator. All students will need to sign the sheet on the clipboard (ask me or the sub for it) at the beginning of the testing session which indicates which test you took as well as your signature and printed name.

To get your WorkKeys usernames and passwords…You should be able to log in to the Google account you told me you use and go to the Google Drive and then Shared with Me and to the folder with your first and last name – NWTC Career Center and open the spreadsheet that contains the usernames and passwords.   If you have questions, ask myself or my substitute if I’m not here. New students usernames are most likely FirstnameLastname format with a six digit number for the password which includes the month, day and year of your birth such as 090301 if you were born September 3, 2001.  If in doubt, ask me or the sub.  Returning students may have the username in format such as nwtflast with nwt then first letter of firstname and then last name.

I have tried to remove all test options except for the test I want you to take today.

Morning session – Starts at 8:10 am (with Collision Repair students)

  • Brandon – Workplace Documents
  • Ethan – Workplace Documents
  • Tamlynn – Workplace Documents
  • Talon  – Workplace Documents
  • Dalton – Graphic Literacy
  • Stephen – Woohoo…. You do not have to take any exams!

Afternoon session – Starts at 12:40 pm (with Collision Repair students)

  • Jaaziel – Workplace Documents
  • Nathan – Workplace Documents
  • Isaac – Workplace Documents
  • Tanner – Workplace Documents


If you are a returning student…. you are having to retake any tests that you did not score a 4 or above on.

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