Construction/Electrical ~ 10.11.19

OkCareerGuide and iCAP Planning

I have provides links below to download the iCAP Planning Documents 1, 2 and 3. Enter the requested information as you complete the iCAP planning activities using the OK Career Guide you create and or careers you research.  If you have already completed the iCAP Planning Document 1 then you do not have to complete it again.   Be sure to print one copy of the completed iCAP Planning Documents and place in your portfolio.  Also upload copies into the My Documents section of OKCareerGuide and in the Career Center Shared Folder on Google Drive. Also be sure to print any degree sheets of any degrees you are interested in after completing high school.

Resources needed:

Ok Career Guide website –

iCAP Planning Document 1 for High School Students – MS Word File

iCAP Planning Document 2 – MS Word File

iCAP Planning Document 3 – MS Word File


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