Computer & Business ~ 9.28.20

Monday – Sept. 28 – Career Center – First year students will be taking the WorkKeys Applied Math assessment. Any returning students or those wanting to retake a WorkKeys test may attend also!
8:15 am – WorkKeys Applied Math – Drew, Clyce, Devyn, Jaci & Robert – and any others who want to retest
9:40 am – WorkKeys Applied Math – Delaney & Zoey – and Katelynn for the Workplace Documents retest
12:45 pm – WorkKeys Applied Math – Andrew, Mason, Taylor, Jordan, Jaymee, Hunter, Kaden, and Jeremy
1:50 pm – WorkKeys Applied Math – Karina, Bentley, Dayla and Shannon (retest)
Wednesday – Sept. 30 – Personal Financial Literacy
8:10 – 9:25 am – Computer & Business: Drew Glass, Clyce Graves, Devyn Malone
9:30 – 10:45 am – Computer & Business: Delaney Lambert
12:40 – 1:55 pm – Computer & Business: Andrew Barton, Mason Bogdanovecz, Jordan Lohman, Hunter Miller, Kaden Rhodes

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