Fundera College Scholarship Today, Fundera’s commitment to helping aspiring entrepreneurs while raising awareness about small business issues is stronger than ever. We are proud to introduce the Fundera College Scholarship, designed to help young entrepreneurs afford the rising cost of education. Fundera will award $2,000 for the best entry every semester. The scholarship will be awarded in check […]
Ragland Family Foundation Scholarship ~ Due 3.15.21
Ragland Family Foundation Scholarship The purpose of the Ragland Family Education Foundation Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to Oklahoma students with limited educational funding who want to obtain a college degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM)*. The scholarship program intends to grant up to $20,000 each in scholarship awards to qualified […]
Oklahoma Former NFL Players Association Scholarship ~ Due 1.31.21
Oklahoma Former NFL Players Association Scholarship The Oklahoma Former NFL Players Association has been given the responsibility by the Professional Athletes Foundation (PAF) to award two $2,500 scholarships to Oklahoma High School Senior Athletes, one male and one female. This opportunity is open to any high school varsity athlete that attends a public or private […]
Washington/DuBose Memorial Scholarship ~ Due 4.02.21
Washington/DuBose Memorial Scholarship Applicants for the scholarship must plan to enroll in a full-time program at an Oklahoma Career and Technology Center or as a full- time student in an accredited institution of higher learning for the and spring semester of each year. More information can be found at The deadline is April 2.
The Casy Cundiff Scholarship ~ Due 4.15.21
The Casy Cundiff Scholarship The Casy Cundiff Scholarship Sponsored by OkACTE Education Services/Special Populations (ESSP). The Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education (OkACTE)/Education Services Special Populations (ESSP) is offering a student the financial scholarship award to acknowledge the achievement of a career and technology student(s) who is a person with a disability and has overcome […]
Northwest Tech Tuition Waiver
Northwest Tech Tuition Waiver The NW Tech Tuition Waiver allows 75% of tuition costs to be waived for eligible students. The student will be responsible for program fees as well as the remaining amount of tuition. In order to be eligible for the tuition waiver, adult students must either currently reside in the NWTC district OR have […]
NWTC Foundation Scholarship ~ Due 1.22.21
Northwest Technology Center (NWTC) Foundation Scholarships Each year a portion of the monies raised by the Foundation will go to support scholarships for deserving students. This financial assistance may include books, tuition, and other educational costs. The Foundation Scholarship committee assists in the establishment of scholarships and the selection of the recipients. Adults, juniors and […]
Computer & Business ~ 1.04.21 ~ Scholarship Information
Today will be scholarship application day! We will only be working on completing scholarship applications. Only juniors, seniors, and adults who wish to research and/or complete scholarship application(s) need to stay in Career Center today. The following are some of the scholarship opportunities available to those who qualify. Otha Grimes Scholarship Application and instructions for […]
UNIGO $10K Scholarship
UNIGO $10K Scholarship Deadline: December 31, 2020 Imagine a historical figure is brought back to life. Who is it? What’s their favorite mobile app? Applicants must be 13 years of age or older at the time of application. They must also be a legal resident of the United States and be currently enrolled (or enroll […]
Top Ten List Scholarship
Top Ten List Scholarship Deadline: December 31, 2020 wants to know what’s truly special and different about you. Get creative, be serious, or tug at their heart strings. Give them 10 reasons you should receive this $1,500 scholarship. You have only have 10 reasons, so make them count! Website:
Because College is Expensive Scholarship
Because College is Expensive Scholarship Deadline: December 31, 2020 The $500 Because College is Expensive Scholarship is open to all students and those planning to enroll within 24 months. The winner will be determined by random drawing. High school juniors and seniors, current college students, and adults looking to head back to school are encouraged […]
Education Matters Scholarship
Education Matters Scholarship Deadline: November 30, 2020 The Education Matters Scholarship gives you a chance to state why education matters to you. Applicants can explain the value they hope to receive from college and what they would do to convince the college cynics. One applicant will be awarded a $5,000 scholarship. Applicants must be 13 […]
Student Photography Scholarships
Student Photography Scholarships Deadline: November 15, 2020 Founded in memory of James Alan Cox, a television photojournalist, The James Alan Cox Foundation for Student Photojournalists aims to provide financial support to student photographers of high school and college age. Through a variety of funding, including equipment purchases and scholarships for college and technical school classes, […]
The Hagan Scholarship Foundation
The Hagan Scholarship Foundation Deadline: November 15, 2020 The Hagan Scholarships are intended for high achieving students who will require financial assistance in order to attend college. These students must graduate from a public high school located in a county having fewer than 50,000 residents. Hagan Scholars currently attend 236 different colleges and universities. Each […]
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Competition
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Competition Deadline: November 15, 2020 The 2020 Most Valuable Student scholarship contest is open to any high school senior who is a U.S. citizen. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Ranging from $1,000 to $12,500 per year, Most Valuable Student scholarships are for students pursuing […]
I Have a Dream Scholarship
Students 14 years of age or older can apply for the I Have a Dream scholarship. More information available at…/our…/i-have-a-dream-scholarship
IvyPanda Scholarship
Each year IvyPanda awards two students college scholarships for their best video creation. This year, students must create a short video over one of three topics. All students attending an accredited college are eligible to apply. Videos must be created and submitted using Dropbox or Google Drive, and should cover one of the following topics: […]
ExtremeTerrain Scholarship
The goal of the ExtremeTerrain Scholarship program is to raise more awareness for the recreational use of public lands as it is an important issue to us at ExtremeTerrain and our customers. At the same time we support youth who are working towards a career in the environmental/recreational land use planning/land management industry, which in […]
CARiD Scholarship Program
Interested in cars and headed to college next Fall? Check out the CARiD Scholarship Program which is giving away $1,000 to offset your educational expenses for college! Just getting the essentials can add up quickly and CARiD wants to help – books, food, backpacks, some sweet spinners for your commuter vehicle, or whatever else you […]
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship
The deadline for the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship is quickly approaching! Deadline is October 31.