PAF Scholarship The Oklahoma Former NFL Players Association has been given the responsibility by the Professional Athletes Foundation (PAF) to award two $2500 scholarships to Oklahoma High School Senior Athletes, one male and one female. This opportunity is open to any high school varsity athlete that attends a public or private high school in the […]
Otha Grimes Scholarship ~ Fall 2022
Otha Grimes – Francis Tuttle Memorial Scholarships – This scholarship is available to adult students who are Oklahoma residents enrolled in a program at a Career and Technology Center. Applicants must submit applications online. Amount: Varies Deadline: Each technology center district may impose its own deadline for its respective students. Students at the NWTC Alva Campus must have […]
NWTC Foundation Scholarship Applications ~ Fall 2022
Northwest Technology Center Foundation Student Scholarships Each year a portion of the monies raised by the Foundation will go to support scholarships for deserving students. This financial assistance may include books, tuition, and other educational costs. The Foundation Scholarship committee assists in the establishment of scholarships and the selection of the recipients. Adults only may […]
Additional Scholarship Opportunities ~ April 2022
New SkillsUSA Scholarships Now Open SkillsUSA offers numerous scholarships to benefit members in pursuit of higher education or certification in their chosen fields. Learn more about all the current opportunities here, and please spread the word to your students! Scholarships for Tenacious College/Postsecondary Students The Horatio Alger Association is offering 500 career and technical education […]
April, May & June 2022 Deadline Scholarships
The Ayn Rand Institute – Anthem Deadline: April 28, 2022 Students in 8th-12th grade may participate. Awards include: one 1st place award of $2,000; three 2nd place awards of $500; five 3rd place awards of $100; 25 finalist awards of $50; 50 semi-finalist awards of $25. Students must select from one of three topics listed […]
Fifth Month Scholarship – Deadline 5.31.22
Fifth Month ScholarshipDeadline: May 31, 2022One is the loneliest number. Three is a crowd. Then there is five. What’s so special about five? Well, for starters, this lucky number could help you win a $1,500 scholarship. Applicants must be 14 years old and be a legal resident of the U.S. They must submit an essay […]
Student Award Search Aid: B. Davis Scholarship – 5.21.22
Student Award Search Aid: B. Davis ScholarshipDeadline: May 21, 2022This Scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any postsecondary institution. There is no age restriction. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded. Applicants must submit a short essay describing the three characteristics of leadership they […]
Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors Scholarship Program – Deadline 5.12.22
OSLS Scholarship ProgramDeadline: May 15, 2022The Oklahoma Society of Land Surveyors Scholarship program will provide financial assistance to those applicants who are seeking a career as a Registered Professional Land Surveyor. Scholarships will be awarded to successful applicants who have demonstrated talent and achievement in the areas of leadership, citizenship and genuine interest in land […]
Society of Women Engineers Incoming Freshmen Scholarship – Deadline 5.02.22
Society of Women Engineers Incoming Freshmen ScholarshipDeadline: May 2, 2022The SWE Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to women studying baccalaureate or graduate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science. In 2021, SWE awarded nearly 290 new and renewed scholarships valued at more than $1,000,000.Website:
Pureland Supply Vocational and Skilled Trade Scholarship – Deadline 5.01.22 – *Trade School Students*
Pureland Supply Vocational and Skilled Trade ScholarshipDeadline: May 1, 2022Pureland Supply has been selling high quality replacement projector lamps to various universities, schools, and government entities since 1997. We understand the importance of skilled trades in our society and appreciate those who learn and perform specific trade, craft or labor occupations. The $500.00 Pureland Supply […]
Leavitt Machinery (LM) Scholarship Program – Deadline 5.01.22
Leavitt Machinery (LM) Scholarship ProgramDeadline: May 1, 2022To be eligible, applicants must be currently enrolled or expect to be enrolled in a degree program (2 years in length or greater) by September. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, be a U.S. resident or Canada resident and must also attend a school in […]
E-waste Scholarship – Deadline 4.30.22
E-waste ScholarshipDeadline: April 30, 2022This scholarship winner will receive a $1,000 award. The purpose of this scholarship is to help you understand the impact of e-waste and what can be done to reduce e-waste. You must be a high school freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior or a current or entering college or graduate school student […]
The Ayn Rand Institute – The Fountainhead – Deadline 4.28.22
The Ayn Rand Institute – The FountainheadDeadline: April 28, 2022Students in 11th and 12th grade may apply. Awards include: one 1st place award of $5,000; three 2nd place awards of $1,500; five 3rd place awards of $250; 25 finalist awards of $100; 50 semi-finalist awards of $25. Students must select from one of three topics […]
The Ayn Rand Institute – Anthem – Deadline 4.28.22
The Ayn Rand Institute – AnthemDeadline: April 28, 2022Students in 8th-12th grade may participate. Awards include: one 1st place award of $2,000; three 2nd place awards of $500; five 3rd place awards of $100; 25 finalist awards of $50; 50 semi-finalist awards of $25. Students must select from one of three topics listed on the […]
College JumpStart Scholarship – Deadline 4.15.22
College JumpStart ScholarshipDeadline: April 15, 2022The College JumpStart Scholarship is an annual, merit-based competition — financial need is not considered — that is open to 10th-12th graders, college students and non-traditional students. The main requirements are that you are committed to going to school and can express your goals for getting a higher education. The […]
The American Legion Legacy Scholarship – Deadline 4.15.22
The American Legion Legacy ScholarshipDeadline: April 15, 2022Since the inception of The American Legion Legacy Scholarship in 2001 following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, The American Legion has offered its support to the children of fallen post-9/11 servicemembers through this scholarship. Beginning with the 2017 award year, The American Legion expanded the scholarship to include […]
American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) National High School Essay Contest – Deadline 4.04.22
American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) National High School Essay ContestDeadline: April 4, 2022The United States has many tools to advance and defend its foreign policy and national security interests around the world-from diplomatic approaches pursued by members of the Foreign Service, to the range of options available to the U.S. military. In countries affected by […]
HLAA Central Oklahoma Chapter’s Scholarship – Deadline 4.04.22
HLAA Central Oklahoma Chapter’s ScholarshipDeadline: April 4, 2022The Central Oklahoma Chapter of Hearing Loss Association of America will award a $1,500 scholarship to residents of Oklahoma who will be attending an Oklahoma institution of higher learning in the fall of 2022. Applicants must present documentation of hearing loss in addition to other application documents.Website:
Prospective Educator Scholarships – Deadline 4.04.22
Prospective Educator ScholarshipsDeadline: April 4, 2022The Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation awards 100 scholarships each year to prospective educators who have a connection to PDK by having a family member or teacher who is a PDK member or through membership in Educators Rising. PDK uses one application for all Prospective Educator Scholarships. Scholarships are available […]
Project Yellow Light – Hunter Garner Scholarship – Deadline 4.01.22
Project Yellow Light – Hunter Garner ScholarshipDeadline: April 1, 2022Project Yellow Light is a scholarship competition designed to bring about change. As an applicant you have one clear mission: encourage your peers to develop and embrace safe driving habits. Too apply, you must create a video, radio spot, or a social media video designed to […]