Health Careers

Health Careers ~ 1.07.20

**Note Health Careers Students did NOT attend Career Center due to CNA Training with Tammy Mustard** Welcome back to the Career Center for the Spring 2020 Semester! What did we do during the Fall 2019 semester? Learning Styles Inventory Career Interests, Skills Confidence, and Work Values Inventories from OkCareerGuide. iCAP Planning Document 1 which asked […]

Health Careers ~ 12.17.19

Students who need to attend on 12.17.19: Macy- 9:20 Kylee – 9:20 Summer – 9:20 Linsy – 9:20 Lizzy – 9:20 Vanessa – 12:40 Hannah – 12:40 iCAP (Individual Career and Academic Planning) Documents Everyone has created an account for OkCareerGuide – You should have your username and password stored in the Career Center Shared […]

Health Careers ~ 12.03.19

iCAP (Individual Career and Academic Planning) Documents Everyone has created an account for OkCareerGuide – You should have your username and password stored in the Career Center Shared Folder in Google drive in the Accounts and Passwords sheet I created for you.  If you followed the format I requested… your username will be in the […]

Health Careers ~ 11.19.19

WorkKeys Assignment You should have also taken all three of the WorkKeys assessments. If you have not taken all three or wish to retake any of the three assessments, I will be available Wednesday morning as well as all day Friday this week.  Miss Garnett will be available Wednesday afternoon to administer assessments but you must […]

Health Careers ~ 11.05.19

Attendance Click on the following link and enter the requested information – WorkKeys Assignment You should have also taken all three of the WorkKeys assessments.  I have placed a Score Report file in the Shared folder on the Google Drive for each of you.  So how do your scores relate to occupations you are interested in?  To […]

Health Careers ~ 10.29.19 (am) and 10.30.19 (pm)

Please complete the following attendance survey for October 29 and 30 – The morning Health Careers students will NOT meet on Tuesday, October 29 as requested by Mrs. Meyer.  The afternoon Health Careers students will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 30.  Afternoon students need to please wait in the hallway until the Advisory Committee meeting is […]

Health Careers ~ 10.22.19

No regular Career Center.  Students needing to take or retake WorkKeys exams may attend at any time on Tuesday or Thursday.

Health Careers ~ 10.15.19

You will be taking the WorkKeys Applied Math exam today.  You are allowed to use a formula sheet, calculator,  scratch paper  and a pencil.  You may not use calculators or any other aids.  Remember to try to do your best! The following students will not need to take the WorkKeys Applied Math exam: Kylee Karley […]

Health Careers ~ 10.08.19

We will not have normal Career Center today; however, if students need to make up a WorkKeys exam you may do so at 8:05 am or 12:40 – 3:05 pm. I will be on a conference call starting at 9:00  until about 10:00 am. I will be in an accreditation meeting from 10:00 – 11:00 […]

Health Careers ~ 10.1.19

The following Health Careers students will be taking the WorkKeys Graphic Literacy test on 10.01.19.  Miss Garnett will be my sub. Health Careers – Tuesday am – 9:20 – 10:05 am Student 1 Macy Goodwin 2 Kylee Harzman 3 Karley Lewis 4 Natalie Morrill 5 Summer Ralston 6 Madison Rhodes 7 Lacie Swenn 8 Linsy […]

Health Careers ~ 9.17.19

All first year students will be taking the WorkKeys Workplace Documents exam.  You can access the WorkKeys information by going to the Assessments menu and then selecting the WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate option.  If you scroll down to the bottom of the page there is a link for Student Login  or you can click here – […]

Health Careers ~ 9.10.19

Throughout the year I will have you print items or results of your work and place those items in a portfolio which is basically a black binder that we will keep on the shelves in the classroom until you have completed your program.  Returning students… ask Mrs. Frascht for you portfolio from last year which […]

Health Careers ~ 9.10.19

Personal Financial Literacy:  Do you still need to meet the requirement Oklahoma graduation for Personal Financial Literacy?  Check with Mrs. Frascht for the schedule.  Personal Financial Literacy class starts next Wednesday (September 18)!! Portfolios:  Throughout the year I will have you print items or results of your work and place those items in a portfolio […]

Health Careers ~ 9.03.19

Last week you should have completed the Learning Styles Inventory and Assessment (Google form). This week you will be creating an account with OkCareerGuide and take the following assessments: Kuder Career Interests Assessment: This assessment connects students top interests to career paths.  Students rate how much they would like or dislike each activity. When students […]

Health Careers ~ 8.27.19

Welcome to the Career Center! I hope to cover the following information today: Class Website – How to use the Announcements menu for class announcements (select your program from the Categories menu) and notices of job openings Take a photo of where you are sitting or move to where you want to sit and […]

Health Careers – 4.30.19

Assignments If you have not completed and/or made the necessary corrections to your resume, job application and cover letter, please do so! Sydney – needs letterhead on cover letter Laura M. – Resume (needs corrections), Cover letter Laura S – Cover letter Google Drive All students need to complete the following steps regarding storing files […]

Health Careers – 4.23.19

Assignments If you have not completed and/or made the necessary corrections to your resume, job application and cover letter, please do so! Sydney – Cover letter (needs letterhead) Rikki – Resume (needs references), Cover letter Pedro – Resume (needs references), Cover letter Karley – Resume (page breaks) Casey – Cover letter Laura M. – Resume […]

Health Careers – 4.16.19

Past Assignments If you have not completed and/or made the necessary corrections to your resume, job application and cover letter, please do so! Sydney – Cover letter (needs letterhead) Rikki – Resume (needs references), Cover letter Pedro – Resume (needs references), Cover letter Karley – Resume (fix page breaks) Casey – Cover letter Laura – […]