Biomed II ~ 9.12.24

Returning Students

  1. Log in to your Google Drive account – *Do NOT use the profile button*. Go to to log in.
  2. Find the PDF file from last year with your Learning Styles Inventory Results.  Create a copy then move that copy to this year’s Alvacc2024 Google Drive folder. Print the results and place in the tray in front of my laptop on the stand.
  3. Find a copy of your resume in your Google Drive.  Create a copy and move that new copy to the Alvacc2024 folder I have created for you.  Make updates as needed. Be sure to update any certifications, awards, honors, memberships, job changes, etc. as well as if you changed programs at NWTC. Don’t delete the past program or job just add the new one above the old one. Print a copy of the updated resume and put in sheet protectors and add to the back of your notebook on the shelves.

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