Biomed II ~ 10.27.22


  1. If prompted, do not run any updates on the computers.
  2. Only use Chrome for a browser during Career Center.
  3. Do not log in to you Google Profile only log into Google Drive and Gmail by using the Bookmarks within Chrome. Everyone uses the same Mac user account so please do not customize the user account to your settings which means do NOT add you Google profile setting.  Login to gmail and then go to Apps  icon then select Google Drive or a profile could automatically be created for you and the bookmarks may not be available to the next person.
  4. The Career Center website – I will have announcements each week for you to refer to for instructions on the activities and necessary websites.
  5. This year… no rotating computers if possible! I will document which computer you are setting at. This will be important if anyone gets sick and we need documentation of who they have sat by.
  6. Always check in with your program instructor before coming to Career Center, especially if your Career Center session is at the beginning of the day or immediately after lunch.

Biomed II ~ 8:50 – 9:30 am Session

  • Danial Garcia
  • Jaxon Jones
  • Ryleigh Orcutt
  • Kyler Penco
  • Alaina Pierce
  • Baylee Oister

Oklahoma high school students are now held accountable for several Oklahoma ICAP activities before they may graduate.  One of the requirements is students must complete at least one career and interest survey per year in grades 9-12.  I will be working with Alva High School in an effort to not have AHS students duplicate ICAP activities.  Mrs. Pettus and I plan on having AHS Freshmen complete the Career Clusters Interest Survey EZ Assessment. AHS Sophomores will complete the  Career Clusters Interest Survey EZ Assessment. AHS Juniors will complete the Career Clusters Interest Survey Assessment and the O*Net Interest Profiler Assessment.  AHS Seniors will complete the Career Cluster Interest EZ Assessment and O*Net Work Importance Locator Assessment.

  1. Login to Virtual Job Shadow and complete the O*Net Work Importance Locator Assessment.  Students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at Students will most likely use the same username and password as used for WorkKeys assessments. Usernames (except for a few students) will be your FirstnameLastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.  Usernames and passwords should be recorded in the Passwords Google Sheet I have provided in the Google Drive folder I have Shared with you for the Career Center.  AHS Students will use the same Virtual Job Shadow account at NWTC as they do at AHS.
  2. Complete the Career Clusters Interest Survey EZ assessments as well as the O*Net Work Importance Locator Assessment
  3. When you have completed the assessments, print one copy and put in your black notebook.


Create at least one short term and one long term educational and/or career goal.  Oklahoma high school students are now held accountable for several Oklahoma ICAP activities before they may graduate.  One of the requirements is students must create and/or revisit postsecondary and workforce goals each year in grades 9-12.

  1. Login to Virtual Job Shadow at Students will most likely use the same username and password as used for WorkKeys assessments. Usernames (except for a few students) will be your FirstnameLastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.  Usernames and passwords should be recorded in the Passwords Google Sheet I have provided in the Google Drive folder I have Shared with you for the Career Center.  AHS Students will use the same Virtual Job Shadow account at NWTC as they do at AHS.
  2. Select Goal Setting from the left menu. Create at least one short term and one long term educational and/or career goal.  These need to be specific and measurable.


Complete the Individual Career Academic Planning Document  for High School Students Pursuing Post-Secondary Education document that I have placed in the Career Center Google Drive folder I have created and shared with you. 

  1. Log in to your Google Drive (not through the Google Profile button but through or
  2. Select Shared With Me on the left side of the window.
  3. Search for or select the folder with your first and last name and AlvaCC2022.
  4. Open the Individual Career Academic Planning Document  for High School Students Pursuing Post-Secondary Education document.  Answer each of the questions.
  5. When you have completed the document, print one copy and put in your black notebook.
  6. Copy the Google Doc and move the new copy to the Shared Folder that AHS has shared with you.


Do you want more information regarding a career or do you have a person you would like to job shadow or have a question and answer session with? Oklahoma high school students are now held accountable for several Oklahoma ICAP activities before they may graduate.  One of the requirements is students are required to participate in Service Learning and/or Work-Based Learning Activities at least once  in grades 9-12.  If you have someone in mind you would like to job shadow or a career you want to know more about, visit with me or email me at and I will try to help you arrange something. View the NWTC Job Shadowing Guide


Have you applied for scholarships?  If you need an additional resource to explore, check out for upcoming scholarships and deadlines.


Have you updated your resume?  If not, please do so.  Be sure to update the education and skills sections.

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