BioMed II ~ 10.03.19

Mr. Eaton will be meeting with all students at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm today.

You will be adding information to your Portfolio (black notebooks) throughout the year.  Be sure to put everything in a sheet protector when adding to your portfolio.

Your OkCareerGuide assessment results will show you what your interests, skills and work values are and how to apply them to a career plan for your future.  Your WorkKeys results can provide an indication of your skill level in the areas of Workplace Documents, Graphic Literacy and Applied Math.  How do you compare to those in the career field you want to pursue?

I have added a MS Word file named iCAP Planning Document Part 2 and iCAP Planning Document Part 3  to the Shared Folder for Career Center on the Google Drive.  Enter the requested information as you complete the iCAP planning activities using the OK Career Guide you create.  There is a link to the OK Career Guide website under the Enhancement menu as well as below.  When you have completed both activities, be sure to print a copy for your portfolio and also upload a copy to the My Documents section of OKCareerGuide.

Resources needed:

Ok Career Guide website –

Bureau of Labor Statistics – May 2018 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Oklahoma –

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