BioMed – 4.11.19

If you have not completed and/or made the necessary corrections to your resume, job application and cover letter, please do so! Two students have not completed the WorkKeys Assignment.

I need work from the following students:

  • BioMed II – 9:20 am session
    • Trey – Cover letter corrections
    • Arturo – Resume corrections
    • Tucker – Cover letter corrections
    • Sasha – Cover letter
    • Victoria – Cover letter corrections
  • BioMed I – 9:20 am session
    • Kade – Cover letter
    • Ali – Resume need references, Cover letter
    • Joseph – WorkKeys Assignment, Job app
    • Ron – WorkKeys Assignment, Job app
  • BioMed I – 10:10 am session
    • Wyatt – Cover letter
    • Liberty – Cover letter
    • Carson – Resume, Cover letter
    • Kylee – WorkKeys Assignment, Resume, Job app, Cover letter
    • Lauren – Resume needs references, Cover letter
    • Reece – Resume, Cover letter
    • Justine – Cover letter
    • Garrett – Cover letter
    • Cooper – Cover letter
    • Laney – Resume (one correction), Cover letter
    • Destiny – Resume needs references, Job App, Cover letter
  • BioMed II – 1:40 pm session
    • Alexandria – Job app, Cover letter
    • Allison – WorkKeys Assignment, Resume needs corrections, Job app, Cover letter
    • Janeet – Resume, Cover letter
  • BioMed I – 1:40 pm session
    • Laysa – Resume needs corrections, Cover letter
    • Anastasia – Resume needs corrections, Job app, Cover letter
    • Payne – Resume, Job app, Cover letter
    • Carmen – Job app, Cover letter
    • Coby – WorkKeys Assignment, Resume, Cover letter
    • Lisa – Resume needs corrections, Job app, Cover letter
    • Madison – Resume needs corrections, Job app

All students need to complete the following steps regarding storing files in the Shared Folder on Google Drive and updating your Ok Career Guide account:

(1) Be sure your completed resume is stored in the folder I created for you (ex. Dalton Hess – NWTC Career Center” and Shared in Google Drive.  If your resume is not stored in that folder, make a “copy” of your resume and move the new copy to the folder I created for you and shared in Google Drive.  Be sure to ask for help if needed!

(2) Be sure your completed cover letter is stored in the folder I created for you (ex. Dalton Hess – NWTC Career Center” and Shared in Google Drive.  If your cover letter is not stored in that folder, make a “copy” of your cover letter and move the new copy to the folder I created for you and shared in Google Drive.  Be sure to ask for help if needed!

(3) Be sure your completed job application is stored in the folder I created for you (ex. Dalton Hess – NWTC Career Center” and Shared in Google Drive.  If your job application is not stored in that folder, make a “copy” of your job application and move the new copy to the folder I created for you and shared in Google Drive.  If your job application is stored on the computer hard drive, be sure to drag it into the correct folder in your Google Drive. Be sure to ask for help if needed!

(4) Log in to OK Career Guide – –  (ask me for help if needed in resetting the password if you don’t know your password).  Under the “My Portfolio Items” select the “My Assessments” menu then select “My External Assessment Scores”.  Click the plus sign to the left of “WorkKeys Assessment”.  Enter the information for your WorkKeys assessments substituting Graphic Literacy for Locating Information and  Workplace Documents for Reading for Information. Ask Mrs. Frascht for help if you don’t know the level.  You will not select a level if you didn’t score a 3 or higher on each of the three WorkKeys test areas. You will use the date of the last test you took in WorkKeys. Be sure to “Save Your WorkKeys Scores” .

(5) In the My Portfolio Items section and then the My Documents section enter each of the following in PDF format (ask me how to get files into PDF format before uploading).
Cover Letter
Job Application
iCap Planning Document 1
iCap Planning Document 2
Your WorkKeys Score Sheet
Your WorkKeys Completion Assignment

(6) In the My Goals section add a goal for the 2019-2020 school year as well as a five year goal.

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