Digital Design ~ 9.13.22

Learning and Personality Styles


  1. If prompted, do not run any updates on the computers.
  2. Only use Chrome for a browser during Career Center.
  3. Do not log in to any Apple iCloud, Mac Mail or other personalization accounts except Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, etc.) and Gmail. Everyone uses the same Mac user account so please do not customize the user account to your settings which means do NOT add you Google profile settingLogin to gmail and then go to Apps  icon then select Google Drive or a profile could automatically be created for you and the bookmarks may not be available to the next person.
  4. The Career Center website – I will have announcements each week for you to refer to for instructions on the activities and necessary websites.
  5. This year… no rotating computers if possible! I will document which computer you are setting at. This will be important if anyone gets sick and we need documentation of who they have sat by.
  6. Always check in with your program instructor before coming to Career Center, especially if your Career Center session is at the beginning of the day or immediately after lunch.
  7. Personal Financial Literacy begins Wednesday, September 7. I have posted by my door a list of students who will need to report to the Career Center for these sessions.  I have also noted below the students I think still need to meet those Oklahoma Graduation Requirements.

Goal for today:

Learning Styles Inventory:

  1. Please complete the Learning Styles Inventory Survey and Assessment at
  2. Be sure to add your first and last name to the results and then print 2 copies of the Assessment results.
  3. After you print the results, create a PDF file and store in the designated folder on the Desktop (folder with your name within folder with your class name within the Alvacc2022 folder on the Desktop.
  4. After saving the results on the computer, upload the file to the shared folder I created for you on Google Drive. Assignment  – Which Personality Type Are You?  2022 Assignment

Login Instructions

Staff and students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at Students will use the same username and password as used for WorkKeys assessments. Usernames (except for a few students) will be your FirstnameLastname. Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003. If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.  Usernames and passwords should be recorded in the Passwords Google Sheet I have provided in the Google Drive folder I have Shared with you for the Career Center.

Complete the Which Personality Type Are You?  Assignment in

  1. Be sure to follow the steps of the assignment in Virtual Job Shadow and have the results of the survey sent to your email address so we can refer back to the results later!!
  2. Print your results of the survey that was sent to your email.
  3. Create a PDF file of the results and save in your folder on the desktop.
  4. Upload the PDF file to the shared Google Drive folder I created for you.
  5. Print the results of the VJS assignment after it is submitted and downloaded.

Digital Design students will attend Career Center at the following times:

8:15 – 9:00 am session:

  • Dylen Marteney – 1
  • Ruby Nichols – 2
  • Ethan Dowty – 4
  • Kelan Penco – 5
  • Gracie Reiman – 7
  • Kyler Boham – 9
  • Edwin Rios* – Completed both activities
  • Cristen Bosch – 14
  • Adrian Ceniceros – 16
  • Tatum Cummings* –  Completed both activities

9:15  – 10:00 am session:

  • Hunter Durkee – 2
  • Rylee Sample – 3
  • Kennedy Zook – 4
  • Katy Matheny – 12
  • Chloe Jordan – 14
  • Riley Shires – 15
  • Zachary  Brashear* –  Completed both activities

12:45 – 1:30 pm session:

  • Pryce Williams – 3
  • Jaycee Kelln – 4
  • Mya Williams – 5
  • Cambell Gaisford – 6
  • Brooklyn Murrow – 8
  • Evan Ferguson – 9
  • Haley Wade – 10
  • Jacqueline Samaniego – 12
  • Maecen Rodgers – 15
  • Shayla Hicks – 16
  • Elayna Warrington* –  Completed both activities

1:30 – 2:15 pm session:

  • Zion Quinlan – 1
  • Hope Hall – 2
  • Winter Willett – 3
  • Harley Smart* –  Completed both activities


Personal Financial Literacy

8:10 – 9:25 am Group (11 total)

  • Kyler Boham
  • Dylen Marteney
  • Ruby Nichols
  • Kelan Penco
  • Cristen Bosch
  • Adrian Ceniceros

9:30 – 10:45 am Group (10 total)

  • Chloe Jordan
  • Riley Shires

12:40 – 1:50 pm Group (12 total)

  • Evan Ferguson
  • Cambell Gaisford
  • Shayla Hicks
  • Jaycee Kelln
  • Brooklyn Murrow
  • Maecen Rodgers
  • Mya Williams
  • Pryce Williams
  • Jacqueline Samaniego

1:55 – 3:05 pm Group (3 total)

  • Zion Quinlan

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