The “Youth Tour Alumni Scholarship” ~ Due April 5

The Glenn English National Cooperative Leadership Foundation Scholarship
(The “Youth Tour Alumni Scholarship”)

The Glenn English National Cooperative Leadership Foundation encourages educational advancement by awarding high education scholarships to eligible students.

In addition to our “Youth Tour Alumni Scholarships,” additional scholarships are available to college students pursuing careers in electrical engineering, specifically those college students who plan to return to rural areas once they complete their college careers. Read more about the Engineers of the Future scholarship opportunities.

The Glenn English National Cooperative Leadership Foundation has awarded almost $100,000 in scholarships to NRECA’s Youth Tour alumni since the program’s inception in 2014! These are awarded in one $10,000 scholarship and four $1,000 scholarships annually.

Click here to apply for a 2021 Youth Tour Alumni Scholarship

Dates & Deadlines

  • Applications will be accepted starting on February 2, 2021.
  • The deadline for application submission is 11:59 P.M. EST April 5, 2021.
  • Winners are selected by our scholarship committee and announced after our summer board meeting in Mid-July, 2021.
  • Awards are distributed in August/September, 2021.

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for the Youth Tour Alumni Scholarship, you must meet each the following requirements:

  • Be a U.S. Citizen.
  • Be a former participant in NRECA’s Washington D.C. Youth Tour program.
  • Have received academic credits equal to at least one year of college.
  • Have completed at least one semester at an accredited university or college as a full-time student.
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited university or college by the application deadline of April 5, 2021.
  • Be working on completing your first undergraduate degree.

How to Apply

Applicants are judged on the following:

  • Cumulative GPA
  • Internships & work experience
  • Civic, volunteer, and political activities
  • Leadership roles pursued and/or held
  • Involvement in cooperative-based programs and activities

All applicants are also required to submit:

If you have any questions, please contact Beth Knudson at

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I just graduated high school but have already earned enough college credits to be considered a sophomore. Am I eligible to apply?

A: Not quite yet! You will need to have completed at least one semester at an accredited university or college as a full-time student. We have found that there are many scholarship opportunities for graduates immediately after high school, but these opportunities tend to taper off in subsequent years. Our goal is to help alleviate some of the financial burden incurred after your first year as a student.

Q: How do I know if I’m considered a “full time” student?

A: Because requirements can vary from school to school, our scholarship committee defers to whatever your college or university considers full-time. Please check your policies before applying.

Q: I applied for this scholarship last year. Am I eligible to apply again?

A: Absolutely! As long as you meet our eligibility requirements listed above you are welcome to apply multiple times.

Q: I am already a Youth Tour Alumni Scholarship winner! Am I eligible to apply again?

A: You sure are! And congrats! As long as you meet our eligibility requirements listed above you are welcome to apply – and win! – multiple times.

Q: I have an Associate’s Degree, or a 2-year degree from a community, technical, or “junior” college and I am now enrolled in a 4-year degree program. Am I eligible to receive the Youth Tour Alumni scholarship?

A: Yes. As long as you are not pursuing an additional Bachelor’s (or any “four-year”) Degree or a graduate degree, you are eligible.

Q: What should my application video be about?

A: Each applicant is required to create and submit a video. Subject matter should contain some, or all, of the following elements:

  • How Youth Tour and/or YLC impacted me | How I applied lessons I learned through these programs later in life | My impression of electric co-ops | How I have given back to my local, sponsoring cooperative, statewide electric co-op organization, and/or NRECA | How does what I’m doing right now, either in college or in my extracurricular activities, tie in with the 7 Cooperative Principles? (these are only a few examples)
  • For inspiration, you are encouraged to visit and search “Glenn English Scholarship.” Here you will find dozens of submissions and winners from previous years.
  • Here are a few of our recent winning videos:

Q: Who judges the written applications and video submissions?

A: Each year, the Glenn English Scholarship coordinators select a committee of judges made up of employees from distribution co-ops, statewide associations, affiliated consultant groups, and other national, associated co-op branches to judge application submissions. Committee coordinators see to it that those applicants with judges from their home state or co-op are assigned to judges outside their areas to maintain fairness.

Q: Can I start my application now and finish it later?

A. Yes! You will be able to access your application using the email address you provide during the beginning of the application process. Please note: Our deadline is April 5, 2021. Your application will not be considered unless it is submitted. We cannot accept applications after the deadline and we cannot accept applications still in “Draft” mode once the window closes.

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