Digital Design ~ 10.20.20


Each student will have a portfolio (black binder) in which they keep copies of their work and certifications throughout the year.  If you are a student new to NWTC this year, please have Mrs. Frascht help you get a portfolio started (you will need to add a label with your name and find a black binder that is not being used).

Add a copy of your Learning Styles Inventory to your portfolio. Login Instructions

Students of the Northwest Tech Campus – Alva may access their user accounts at

Students will use the same username and password as used for WorkKeys assessments  (except for a few students). Your password will be a six digit number representing your birthdate such as 020503 if you were born on February 5, 2003.

If you need assistance with your username and password, please let Mrs. Frascht know.  Usernames and passwords should be recorded in the Passwords Google Sheet I have provided in the Google Drive folder I have Shared with you for the Career Center. Assignment 1 – Getting Started With

Last week I assigned your first assignment which was entitled “Getting Started with (2020)”.  You will find it under the Assignments section.  If you did not complete this assignment, please do so today.

Upon completion of this assignment complete the following:

  1. Download the results of your Career Clusters Interest Survey.  Upload a copy of the results to the Shared Folder I created for you on Google Drive.
  2. Print a copy of the Career Clusters Interest Survey and add it to your portfolio.
  3. Download a copy of the Pop Quiz for the career you selected.  Upload a copy to the Shared Folder on Google Drive that I created for you. Print a copy to put in your Portfolio.
  4. Download a copy of the Journal Entry for the career you selected.  Upload a copy to the Shared Folder on Google Drive that I created for you. Print a copy to put in your Portfolio.
  5. Download a copy of the results of the Getting Started with (2020) assignment.  If you cannot download a copy, then ask your instructor to add a copy of the results of the assignment to the Shared Folder I created for you on Google Drive.  Print a copy of the results and add it to your portfolio. Assignment 2 – Your WorkKeys Scores and Career Choice (2020) Assignment

Complete the Your WorkKeys Scores and Career Choice (2020) Assignment.  Upon completion of the assignment, download a copy of the completed assignment (or ask your instructor to add to the Shared Folder on Google Drive). Print the completed results and add it to your portfolio. Assignment 3 – O*Net Interest Profiler (2020) Assignment

Complete the O*Net Interest Profiler (2020) Assignment in

Upon completion of this assignment complete the following:

  1. Download the results of your O*Net Interest Profiler Survey.  Upload a copy of the results to the Shared Folder I created for you on Google Drive.
  2. Print a copy of theO*Net Interest Profiler Survey and add it to your portfolio.
  3. Download a copy of the results of the O*Net Interest Profiler assignment.  If you cannot download a copy, then ask your instructor to add a copy of the results of the assignment to the Shared Folder I created for you on Google Drive.  Print a copy of the results and add it to your portfolio.

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