BioMed ~ 9.03.20

Welcome to the Career Center!

I hope to cover the following information today:

  1. Wipe down keyboards and mouse before and after using…don’t rely on someone else to sanitize the area for you.
  2. Passwords for alvacc users on computers are alvacc and the computer number displayed on bottom left corner of monitor such as alvacc01.
  3. If prompted, do not run any updates on the computers.
  4. Only use Chrome for a browser during Career Center.
  5. Do not log in to any Apple iCloud, Mac Mail or other personalization accounts except Google Drive (Sheets, Docs, etc.) and Gmail. Everyone uses the same Mac user account so please do not customize the user account to your settings.
  6. The Career Center website – I will try to have announcements each week for you to refer to.
  7. This year… no rotating computers if possible! I will document which computer you are setting at. This will be important if anyone gets sick and we need documentation of who they have sat by.
  8. Always check in with your program instructor before coming to Career Center, especially if your Career Center session is at the beginning of the day or immediately after lunch.
  9. Personal Financial Literacy begins Wednesday, September 9. I have posted a list of students who will need to report to the Multipurpose Room for these sessions.
  10. Please complete  a survey available at
  11. Please email (an appropriate) photo of you without a mask to Be sure to include your first and last name in the email along with your photo. The photo will be used for a class directory for my  (and possibly a substitute) purposes only and will not be published on the website.
  12.  Can you log in to your Google Drive and view the folder I have created and shared with you? The Shared Drive will have your first and last name and Alvacc2020 .  Your work for Career Center should be stored in this folder.  This is especially important for any resumes or other documents that you or I may need to reference in the future.   Is your name spelled correctly? If not, let me know so it can be corrected.
  13. Can you find the Account Username and Password Google Sheet I shared with you?  You will enter account usernames and passwords  that will be used during Career Center this year.
  14. Please complete the Learning Styles Inventory Survey and Assessment at Be sure to print the Assessment results as well as create a PDF file and store in the designated folder on the Desktop and then inside the folder you create with your first and last name. After saving the results on the computer, upload the file to the shared folder on your Google Drive.
  15. What are WorkKeys Assessments  – – and why do we need to take them? We will discuss this.
  16. Can you log in to your WorkKeys account and complete the Profile information?  New students have the format FirstLast which is your first name and then your last name UNLESS I have put something different on your Google document I shared with you.  Passwords should be your birthdate in six digits including two digits for the month, two digits for the day, and last two digits of year.  If that format doesn’t work, be sure to check your passwords file and then ask me for assistance.

BioMed students will attend Career Center at the following times:

9:15 – 10:05 am session:

  • Maegan H.
  • Trinady S.
  • Chloe D.
  • Jackson F.
  • Colby M.
  • Jenna M.
  • Dalton M.
  • Kelton O.
  • Mattie P.
  • Austin R.
  • Aubry R.
  • Jarin S.
  • Kaden S.

10:05 – 10:50 am session:

  • Shelby B.
  • Chloe L.
  • Payden N.
  • Brooke P.
  • Emma P.
  • Connie R.
  • Matthew S.
  • Charles S.
  • Kate L.

2:30 – 3:15 pm session:

  • Seth B.
  • Dalon P.
  • Kelli R.
  • Shane S.


Personal Financial Literacy – BioMed

8:10 – 9:25 am Group (12 total)

  • Jackson F.
  • Jenna M.
  • Emma P.
  • Aubry R.
  • Charles S.
  • Jarin S.
  • Kate L.

12:40 – 1:55 pm Group (9 total)

  • Seth B.
  • Kelli R.

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