Construction/Electrical ~ 10.25.19

Welcome to Career Center! 

Miss Garnett will be my sub today.

First off… click on the following link and answer all the questions on the Attendance Form ~ .

Everyone has created an account for OkCareerGuide – You should have your username and password stored in the Career Center Shared Folder in Google drive in the Accounts and Passwords sheet I created for you.  If you followed the format I requested… your username will be in the form FirstLast-nwtc and your password will be your six digit number representing the month, day and year (last two digits) of your birth date.  Not all students will have to log in to OkCareerGuide today; however, if you do need to and your can’t remember your account information Miss Garnett may be able to find your username and reset your password for you.

I have added all three of  the following documents to your Career Center Shared Folder on Google Drive.  If you had started one or more of these documents and stored them in a folder in the Documents folder on the classroom computer hard drive I have uploaded them to your Career Center Shared Folder on Google Drive.  Open the files in Google Docs to start and or complete the forms!  Don’t open them from the hard drive!  I want to be able to check them thru Google Drive!  As you complete each assignment, you may try to print them to the printer in the Career Center office and place the information in sheet protectors and put in your black portfolio binders.  If the office printer runs out of ink… we can print next week!  The Career Center Classroom printer is not printing correctly so do not try to print to it.

Today you will need to work on the following:

  • iCAP Planning Document 1 – You will need to use information from your OkCareerGuide assessments and account to complete all the questions.  Some of you may have already completed this file a couple of weeks ago.  Be sure you have answers for each question box as well as dates completed.
  • iCAP Planning Document 2 – You need to select a career that you are seriously interested in for this assignment… it may or may not be one of the careers that were available to you in the results from the assessments with OkCareerGuide.  This is where you start doing some serious thinking about what you may be interested in as a career!!  We will revisit this document throughout the year and build on this information so put some thought to it!! If you are planning on going to college this where you research to see if the degree you want or need is actually offered at the college you want to attend. I want specifics!!  In #8, just enter your goals in the Google Doc instead of entering them into OkCareerGuide! If you are not going to college…. this is where you outline your plans of how to get from the end of this year to employment in your chosen career field! If a question does not relate to your chosen career, you may put “Not needed” in the box; however….. I better not see every box with “Not needed” typed in it!
  • iCAP Planning Document 3 – This is where you start working on the planning, building, and/or editing a resume.  Some of you already have a resume started.  Be sure to place a copy of that resume in the Career Center Shared Folder I created for you in Google Drive.  You may even be able to copy some of the information from your resume and paste it into this document.  High school scholarship resumes differ from work resumes.  We will be discussing the differences in the future.  If you don’t have a resumes… be sure to answer all the questions in this document. If you do have a resume… be sure to place a copy in that shared folder and answer the questions.

I will look forward to seeing you next week and discussing your future plans and the information in these three documents!

Have a great weekend.


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