Practical Nursing – 4.18.19

Cover Letters

The following students need to make corrections to their cover letters:

  • Bethany

Company Research Questions

The following students need to submit their answers to the Company Research questions:

  • Gabriela
  • Tatum
  • Cheyenne

Interview Questions

The following students need to submit their answers to the Interview Questions previously provided:

  • Bethany
  • Gabriela
  • Tatum
  • Cheyenne

Questions to ask Interviewer

The following students need to submit their Questions to ask Interviewer:

  • Chris
  • Janell
  • Bethany
  • Gabriela
  • Hayden
  • Tatum
  • Cheyenne

Following Up After an Interview

Following up after an interview falls into the category of unwritten rules. Few interviewers would ever explicitly tell you to do it, it’s often expected all the same. For example, sending a thank you note after an interview is simply considered common courtesy. If you fail to do so, an interviewer might think that you’re not taking the interview process seriously.

For another reason, interviewers are busy people. At any one given time, a interviewer may be coordinating with dozens of candidates to fill the open requisitions they’ve been assigned to. Some times information regarding interviewees can slip through the cracks or get misplaced. If you don’t follow up, you might just get passed over.

And finally, following up after an interview demonstrates that you’re serious about the opportunity. And as any recruiter can tell you, this is one of the biggest criteria they look for in job seekers. Proving that you’re invested in a job and company signal to a interviewer that you would be a high-quality hire who would likely stick around for the long haul.

Job Interview Follow Up Resources

Job Follow Up Letter/Note Assignment

Write a follow up letter which would be sent immediately following the interview. Use the same letterhead that you did for your cover letter. An example of the body of a follow up letter is provided below.

Example 1:

I very much enjoyed speaking with you about the opportunity to work with your company in the role of sales executive. My experience in sales and management seem to be a good match for the position you described. The organization of your sales teams is forward thinking, and I believe, one where I could contribute a great deal.I bring with me to the position extensive knowledge of the market, and strong communications skills. In addition, my ability to motivate my team while working within our budget will provide your company with an edge over others in the market.My presentation skills allow me to communicate effectively with directors, as well as keep my team up to date on our progress. During my interview, I neglected to mention the series of classes I took in public speaking at the local university. It was very interesting and provided me with the confidence I possess now while organizing and presenting a project.Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you about this position.

Example 2:

Thank you again for taking time to speak with me about the[job title] position and for giving me additional insight into the responsibilities and day-to-day duties involved. Our conversation today only increased my interest in the role. I would be thrilled to use my [insert a skill or two that you discussed in your interview, such as “editorial skills and background research and interviewing”] to benefit [company name] and your goals, including the work you’re doing on [insert a specific example of a project or work your interviewer mentioned, such as “expanding into video and other multimedia content”]. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions for me! I look forward to having another conversation with you soon.

If you don’t send an interview thank you letter, you should write a thank you note to the person/company you interviewed with.  Be sure to watch the Interview Follow Up Tips video above for ideas.

Interviewing Tools

One of the tools to be used this year will be a subscription to Perfect Interview.  Students will be able to learn interview tips as well as practice answering interview questions via keyboard or recorded video!  Students may visit to set up their own Perfect Interview account! Be sure to check your Spam folder in your email account for the email confirmation from Perfect Interview.

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