Health Careers – 3.11.19

Students should have completed a resume, job application, and cover letter. Please refer to past announcement for specifics for each of those assignments.

Students who need to make corrections and/or finish their resume:

  • Rikki
  • Pedro
  • Karley
  • Laura M.
  • Maddie
  • Erin
  • Laura S.

Students who need to finish or make corrections to job application:

  • Sydney (visit with me)
  • Karley
  • Casey
  • Laura M.
  • Maddie
  • Lacie (visit with me)
  • Erin

Students who need to finish the cover letter:

  • Chloe
  • Rylee
  • America
  • Eric
  • Kassidy
  • Sydney
  • Rikki
  • Jonathan
  • Pedro
  • Karley
  • Kristin
  • Casey
  • Laura M.
  • Maddie
  • Lacie
  • Erin
  • Laura S.

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