Practical Nursing – 3.07.19

Past Assignments

At this point you should have completed your resume, cover letter, and job application.  If you have not completed those, please refer to previous class announcements for instructions.  Ask me for help if you can’t find the instructions or necessary files.

Interviewing Tips and Tricks

The following video presents some good tips and tricks for interviewing.


Company Research

Copy and paste the following questions into a Google Doc then answer each of the questions.

  1. Select a company that you would like to work for in the future. What is the name of the company?
  2. What is the website URL for that company?
  3. How many locations does the company have and which location would you preferably like to work at?
  4. What position would you like to apply and interview for?
  5. What services does the company offer?
  6. What is the mission statement and values for the company?
  7. What are the Service Standards for Integris?
  8. How long has the company been in business? Have there been mergers with other companies in the past?
  9. What are the responsibilities for the specific position you would apply and/or interview for?
  10. Explain what experiences, training, and/or skills do you have that are relevant and aligned to that position?
  11. What is the company dress code?
  12. What benefits does the company offer employees? Do you know what each of the benefits consist of?

Interview Questions

Copy and paste the following questions into a Google Doc then answer each of the questions.

  1. Describe a situation when you had to work closely with a difficult coworker. How did you handle the situation? Were you able to build a relationship with this person?
  2. Tell me about a time when a patient’s family was dissatisfied with your care. How did you handle that situation?
  3. What approach do you take in communicating with people who do not know medical jargon? Give an example of a time you explained medical terminology to someone who is not medically trained.
  4. Describe a situation in which a patient or their family were particularly pleased and appreciative of your care.
  5. Give an example of a time you had to interact with a hostile patient. How did you handle the situation and what was the outcome?
  6. Tell me about a time when you didn’t know the answer to something at work? How did you go about finding the information?
  7. Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with this situation?
  8. Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems with a patient and initiated preventative measures.
  9. Talk about a time you worked in a fast-paced setting. How do you prioritize tasks while maintaining excellent patient care?
  10. Describe your experience with a very ill patient who required a lot of your time. How did you manage this patient’s care while ensuring your other patients were adequately cared for?
  11. Talk about a time when you felt overwhelmed with your work or patient-load. What did you do?
  12. Give an example of an important goal you set for yourself. Did you accomplish that goal? How did you ensure that you accomplished it?
  13. Have you ever had to rely solely on written communication to explain yourself to your team or to a patient? Explain the situation if so.
  14. Talk about a time when you had not communicated well. How did you correct the situation?
  15. Describe a time when you received negative feedback and turned it into something positive.
  16. Give an example of a mistake you’ve made? How did you handle it?
  17. What do you find most difficult about being a Nurse? How do you overcome this difficulty?
  18. What is Your Perfect Job?
  19. How Would You Describe Yourself in One Word?
  20. Give An Example of a Time You Lost Your Temper. What was the Outcome?
  21. Why did you decide to become a nurse?
  22. Why do you want to work at this hospital, office, etc.?
  23. What kinds of personality traits are most effective for nurses to have?
  24. What are the biggest challenges or issues that nurses face today?
  25. If I called your previous supervisor, what would they tell me about you?
  26. What are your career goals?
  27. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  28. What would you do if your replacement didn’t arrive?
  29. How would you deal with a doctor that is rude?
  30. What is your worse trait?


WorkKeys Curriculum

Do your WorkKeys scores meet the Median Skill Level for the nursing career you have chosen to pursue?  You may refer back to the WorkKeys assignment in the Google Drive if you do not remember.

You may work thru some WorkKeys Curriculum to try to strength your skills in any of the three testing areas: Applied Math, Workplace Documents, and Graphic Literacy.

To get started on the WorkKeys Curriculum go to .  You will use your Career Center email address ( but substituting your first initial and last name for flast) as the username and alvacc2018 as the password.  If you need help getting started in the curriculum, please ask for assistance.

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